#include "camera_sensor_tag_detector_algorithm.h"
#include <argos3/core/simulator/simulator.h>
#include <argos3/core/utility/math/matrix/squarematrix.h>
#include <argos3/core/utility/math/matrix/transformationmatrix3.h>
#include <argos3/plugins/simulator/media/tag_medium.h>
#include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/tag_entity.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
| argos |
| The namespace containing all the ARGoS related code.
| argos::REGISTER_CAMERA_SENSOR_ALGORITHM (CCameraSensorTagDetectorAlgorithm, "tag_detector", "Michael Allwright [allsey87@gmail.com]", "1.0", "This algorithm detects nearby tags seen by the camera and\n" "returns the coordinates of their corners to the sensor", "This algorithm detects nearby tags seen by the camera and\n" "returns the coordinates of their corners to the sensor", "Under development") |