Go to the documentation of this file.
11 #ifndef COLOR_H
12 #define COLOR_H
14 #include <argos3/core/utility/datatypes/datatypes.h>
15 #include <argos3/core/utility/string_utilities.h>
16 #include <string.h>
17 #include <iostream>
19 namespace argos {
25  class CColor {
27  public:
29  static CColor BLACK;
30  static CColor WHITE;
31  static CColor RED;
32  static CColor GREEN;
33  static CColor BLUE;
34  static CColor MAGENTA;
35  static CColor CYAN;
36  static CColor YELLOW;
37  static CColor ORANGE;
38  static CColor BROWN;
39  static CColor PURPLE;
40  static CColor GRAY10;
41  static CColor GRAY20;
42  static CColor GRAY30;
43  static CColor GRAY40;
44  static CColor GRAY50;
45  static CColor GRAY60;
46  static CColor GRAY70;
47  static CColor GRAY80;
48  static CColor GRAY90;
53  CColor() {}
58  explicit CColor(UInt8 un_red,
59  UInt8 un_green,
60  UInt8 un_blue,
61  UInt8 un_alpha = 255) throw() :
62  m_tChannels(un_red, un_green, un_blue, un_alpha) {}
68  inline Real ToGrayScale() const throw() {
69  return
70  0.299f * m_tChannels.m_unRed +
71  0.587f * m_tChannels.m_unGreen +
72  0.114f * m_tChannels.m_unBlue;
73  }
79  inline UInt8 GetRed() const throw() { return m_tChannels.m_unRed; }
84  inline void SetRed(UInt8 un_red) throw() { m_tChannels.m_unRed = un_red; }
90  inline UInt8 GetGreen() const throw() { return m_tChannels.m_unGreen; }
95  inline void SetGreen(UInt8 un_green) throw() { m_tChannels.m_unGreen = un_green; }
101  inline UInt8 GetBlue() const throw() { return m_tChannels.m_unBlue; }
106  inline void SetBlue(UInt8 un_blue) throw() { m_tChannels.m_unBlue = un_blue; }
112  inline UInt8 GetAlpha() const throw() { return m_tChannels.m_unAlpha; }
117  inline void SetAlpha(UInt8 un_alpha) throw() { m_tChannels.m_unAlpha = un_alpha; }
126  inline void Set(UInt8 un_red,
127  UInt8 un_green,
128  UInt8 un_blue,
129  UInt8 un_alpha = 255) throw() {
130  SetRed(un_red);
131  SetGreen(un_green);
132  SetBlue(un_blue);
133  SetAlpha(un_alpha);
134  }
144  inline CColor Blend(const CColor& c_background) const throw() {
145  Real fAlpha = m_tChannels.m_unAlpha / 255.0;
146  return CColor(
147  static_cast<UInt8>(fAlpha * GetRed() + (1.0-fAlpha) * c_background.GetRed()),
148  static_cast<UInt8>(fAlpha * GetGreen() + (1.0-fAlpha) * c_background.GetGreen()),
149  static_cast<UInt8>(fAlpha * GetBlue() + (1.0-fAlpha) * c_background.GetBlue())
150  );
151  }
160  inline void Set(const std::string& str_color) {
161  try {
162  if (str_color == "black") *this = CColor::BLACK;
163  else if (str_color == "white") *this = CColor::WHITE;
164  else if (str_color == "red") *this = CColor::RED;
165  else if (str_color == "green") *this = CColor::GREEN;
166  else if (str_color == "blue") *this = CColor::BLUE;
167  else if (str_color == "magenta") *this = CColor::MAGENTA;
168  else if (str_color == "cyan") *this = CColor::CYAN;
169  else if (str_color == "yellow") *this = CColor::YELLOW;
170  else if (str_color == "orange") *this = CColor::ORANGE;
171  else if (str_color == "brown") *this = CColor::BROWN;
172  else if (str_color == "purple") *this = CColor::PURPLE;
173  else if (str_color == "gray10") *this = CColor::GRAY10;
174  else if (str_color == "gray20") *this = CColor::GRAY20;
175  else if (str_color == "gray30") *this = CColor::GRAY30;
176  else if (str_color == "gray40") *this = CColor::GRAY40;
177  else if (str_color == "gray50") *this = CColor::GRAY50;
178  else if (str_color == "gray60") *this = CColor::GRAY60;
179  else if (str_color == "gray70") *this = CColor::GRAY70;
180  else if (str_color == "gray80") *this = CColor::GRAY80;
181  else if (str_color == "gray90") *this = CColor::GRAY90;
182  else {
183  UInt16 unValues[4];
184  ParseValues<UInt16>(str_color, 4, unValues, ',');
185  for(UInt16 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
186  if(unValues[i] > 255) {
187  THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION("Color value " << unValues[i] << " is larger than 255.");
188  }
189  }
190  Set(unValues[0], unValues[1], unValues[2], unValues[3]);
191  }
192  }
193  catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
194  THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Error while parsing color input string", ex);
195  }
196  }
202  inline operator UInt32() {
203  return *reinterpret_cast<UInt32*>(&m_tChannels);
204  }
211  inline bool operator==(const CColor& c_color2) const throw() {
212  return m_tChannels == c_color2.m_tChannels;
213  }
220  inline bool operator!=(const CColor& c_color2) const throw() {
221  return m_tChannels != c_color2.m_tChannels;
222  }
235  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
236  const CColor& c_color) {
237  if (c_color == CColor::BLACK) os << "black";
238  else if (c_color == CColor::WHITE) os << "white";
239  else if (c_color == CColor::RED) os << "red";
240  else if (c_color == CColor::GREEN) os << "green";
241  else if (c_color == CColor::BLUE) os << "blue";
242  else if (c_color == CColor::MAGENTA) os << "magenta";
243  else if (c_color == CColor::CYAN) os << "cyan";
244  else if (c_color == CColor::YELLOW) os << "yellow";
245  else if (c_color == CColor::ORANGE) os << "orange";
246  else if (c_color == CColor::BROWN) os << "brown";
247  else if (c_color == CColor::PURPLE) os << "purple";
248  else if (c_color == CColor::GRAY10) os << "gray10";
249  else if (c_color == CColor::GRAY20) os << "gray20";
250  else if (c_color == CColor::GRAY30) os << "gray30";
251  else if (c_color == CColor::GRAY40) os << "gray40";
252  else if (c_color == CColor::GRAY50) os << "gray50";
253  else if (c_color == CColor::GRAY60) os << "gray60";
254  else if (c_color == CColor::GRAY70) os << "gray70";
255  else if (c_color == CColor::GRAY80) os << "gray80";
256  else if (c_color == CColor::GRAY90) os << "gray90";
257  else {
258  os << c_color.m_tChannels.m_unRed
259  << "," << c_color.m_tChannels.m_unGreen
260  << "," << c_color.m_tChannels.m_unBlue
261  << "," << c_color.m_tChannels.m_unAlpha;
262  }
263  return os;
264  }
275  friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is,
276  CColor& c_color) {
277  std::string strColor;
278  is >> strColor;
279  c_color.Set(strColor);
280  return is;
281  }
284  private:
286  struct TChannels {
287  UInt8 m_unRed;
288  UInt8 m_unGreen;
289  UInt8 m_unBlue;
290  UInt8 m_unAlpha;
292  TChannels() :
293  m_unRed(0),
294  m_unGreen(0),
295  m_unBlue(0),
296  m_unAlpha(255) {}
298  TChannels(const UInt8 un_red,
299  const UInt8 un_green,
300  const UInt8 un_blue,
301  const UInt8 un_alpha = 255) :
302  m_unRed(un_red),
303  m_unGreen(un_green),
304  m_unBlue(un_blue),
305  m_unAlpha(un_alpha) {}
307  inline bool operator==(const TChannels& t_channels) const {
308  return
309  (m_unRed == t_channels.m_unRed) &&
310  (m_unGreen == t_channels.m_unGreen) &&
311  (m_unBlue == t_channels.m_unBlue) &&
312  (m_unAlpha == t_channels.m_unAlpha);
313  }
315  inline bool operator!=(const TChannels& t_channels) const {
316  return
317  (m_unRed != t_channels.m_unRed) ||
318  (m_unGreen != t_channels.m_unGreen) ||
319  (m_unBlue != t_channels.m_unBlue) ||
320  (m_unAlpha != t_channels.m_unAlpha);
321  }
323  } m_tChannels;
325  };
327 }
329 #endif
#define THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED(message, nested)
This macro throws an ARGoS exception with the passed message and nesting the passed exception.
This macro throws an ARGoS exception with the passed message.
unsigned int UInt32
32-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: datatypes.h:97
unsigned char UInt8
8-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: datatypes.h:60
float Real
Collects all ARGoS code.
Definition: datatypes.h:39
unsigned short UInt16
16-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: datatypes.h:78
The namespace containing all the ARGoS related code.
Definition: ci_actuator.h:12
The exception that wraps all errors in ARGoS.
The basic color type.
Definition: color.h:25
Class constructor.
Definition: color.h:53
Real ToGrayScale() const
Returns the color in grayscale.
Definition: color.h:68
static CColor GRAY80
Definition: color.h:47
void Set(UInt8 un_red, UInt8 un_green, UInt8 un_blue, UInt8 un_alpha=255)
Sets the RGBA values of the color.
Definition: color.h:126
static CColor BLACK
Definition: color.h:29
static CColor GRAY20
Definition: color.h:41
void Set(const std::string &str_color)
Sets the RGBA values of the color from a string.
Definition: color.h:160
static CColor YELLOW
Definition: color.h:36
static CColor GRAY30
Definition: color.h:42
static CColor CYAN
Definition: color.h:35
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const CColor &c_color)
Output stream operator.
Definition: color.h:235
static CColor GRAY50
Definition: color.h:44
bool operator==(const CColor &c_color2) const
Returns true if the given color is identical to the current.
Definition: color.h:211
static CColor PURPLE
Definition: color.h:39
static CColor GRAY90
Definition: color.h:48
bool operator!=(const CColor &c_color2) const
Returns true if the given color is different from the current.
Definition: color.h:220
void SetGreen(UInt8 un_green)
Sets the green channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:95
UInt8 GetBlue() const
Returns the blue channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:101
void SetBlue(UInt8 un_blue)
Sets the blue channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:106
void SetAlpha(UInt8 un_alpha)
Sets the alpha channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:117
friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &is, CColor &c_color)
Input stream operator.
Definition: color.h:275
UInt8 GetGreen() const
Returns the green channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:90
static CColor GRAY10
Definition: color.h:40
CColor Blend(const CColor &c_background) const
Blends the current color with a background color.
Definition: color.h:144
static CColor RED
Definition: color.h:31
static CColor GRAY70
Definition: color.h:46
static CColor BLUE
Definition: color.h:33
UInt8 GetRed() const
Returns the red channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:79
static CColor GREEN
Definition: color.h:32
static CColor GRAY40
Definition: color.h:43
static CColor GRAY60
Definition: color.h:45
UInt8 GetAlpha() const
Returns the alpha channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:112
CColor(UInt8 un_red, UInt8 un_green, UInt8 un_blue, UInt8 un_alpha=255)
Class constructor.
Definition: color.h:58
void SetRed(UInt8 un_red)
Sets the red channel of the color.
Definition: color.h:84
static CColor ORANGE
Definition: color.h:37
static CColor BROWN
Definition: color.h:38
static CColor MAGENTA
Definition: color.h:34
static CColor WHITE
Definition: color.h:30