Go to the documentation of this file.
9 #include <argos3/core/simulator/entity/composable_entity.h>
10 #include <argos3/plugins/robots/prototype/simulator/prototype_entity.h>
12 namespace argos {
14  /****************************************/
15  /****************************************/
18  CEntity(pc_parent),
19  m_eGeometry(EGeometry::BOX),
20  m_cExtents(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
21  m_fMass(0.0f),
22  m_psAnchor(nullptr) {}
24  /****************************************/
25  /****************************************/
28  try {
29  /* Init parent */
30  CEntity::Init(t_tree);
31  /* Parse link geometry and dimensions */
32  std::string strLinkGeometry;
33  GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "geometry", strLinkGeometry);
34  if(strLinkGeometry == "box") {
35  m_eGeometry = BOX;
36  GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "size", m_cExtents);
37  } else if(strLinkGeometry == "cylinder") {
38  m_eGeometry = CYLINDER;
39  Real fRadius;
40  Real fHeight;
41  GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "height", fHeight);
42  GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "radius", fRadius);
43  m_cExtents.Set(fRadius * 2.0f, fRadius * 2.0f, fHeight);
44  } else if(strLinkGeometry == "sphere") {
45  m_eGeometry = SPHERE;
46  Real fRadius;
47  GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "radius", fRadius);
48  m_cExtents.Set(fRadius * 2.0f, fRadius * 2.0f, fRadius * 2.0f);
49  } else if(strLinkGeometry == "convex_hull") {
50  std::string strPoints;
51  std::vector<std::string> vecPoints;
52  CVector3 cPoint;
53  m_eGeometry = CONVEX_HULL;
54  m_cExtents.Set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
55  /* Parse the points of the convex hull */
56  GetNodeText(t_tree, strPoints);
57  /* Remove any whitespace characters */
58  std::string::iterator itEraseBegin =
59  std::remove_if(std::begin(strPoints), std::end(strPoints), ::isspace);
60  strPoints.erase(itEraseBegin, std::end(strPoints));
61  /* Split into individual points */
62  Tokenize(strPoints, vecPoints, "()");
63  for(const std::string& str_point : vecPoints) {
64  std::istringstream(str_point) >> cPoint;
65  m_vecConvexHullPoints.push_back(cPoint);
66  }
67  CConvexHull cConvexHull(m_vecConvexHullPoints);
68  /* store the faces in this object */
69  m_vecConvexHullFaces = cConvexHull.GetFaces();
70  } else {
71  /* unknown geometry requested */
72  THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION("Geometry \"" << strLinkGeometry << "\" is not implemented");
73  }
74  /* Parse link geometry and dimensions */
75  GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "mass", m_fMass);
76  /* Get the offset position of the link */
77  CVector3 cOffsetPosition;
78  GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "position", cOffsetPosition, cOffsetPosition);
79  /* Get the offset orientation of the link */
80  CQuaternion cOffsetOrientation;
81  GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "orientation", cOffsetOrientation, cOffsetOrientation);
82  /* Create an anchor for this link */
83  auto& cBody = GetParent().GetParent().GetComponent<CEmbodiedEntity>("body");
84  m_psAnchor = &(cBody.AddAnchor(GetId(), cOffsetPosition, cOffsetOrientation));
85  /* Enable the anchor */
86  m_psAnchor->Enable();
87  }
88  catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
89  THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Error while initializing link entity", ex);
90  }
91  }
93  /****************************************/
94  /****************************************/
98  /****************************************/
99  /****************************************/
101 }
#define THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED(message, nested)
This macro throws an ARGoS exception with the passed message and nesting the passed exception.
This macro throws an ARGoS exception with the passed message.
float Real
Collects all ARGoS code.
Definition: datatypes.h:39
The namespace containing all the ARGoS related code.
Definition: ci_actuator.h:12
void GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, T &t_buffer, const T &t_default)
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value.
ticpp::Element TConfigurationNode
The ARGoS configuration XML node.
void Tokenize(const std::string &str_string, std::vector< std::string > &vec_tokens, const std::string &str_delimiters)
Tokenizes the given string according to the wanted delimiters (by default just a " ").
void GetNodeText(TConfigurationNode &t_node, T &t_buffer)
Returns the text of the passed XML node A node text is as follows:
void GetNodeAttribute(TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, T &t_buffer)
Returns the value of a node's attribute.
Basic class for an entity that contains other entities.
CEntity & GetComponent(const std::string &str_component)
Returns the component with the passed string label.
This entity is a link to a body in the physics engine.
The basic entity type.
Definition: entity.h:90
const std::string & GetId() const
Returns the id of this entity.
Definition: entity.h:157
void Enable()
Enables the entity.
Definition: entity.h:265
CComposableEntity & GetParent()
Returns this entity's parent.
Definition: entity.cpp:91
virtual void Init(TConfigurationNode &t_tree)
Initializes the state of the entity from the XML configuration tree.
Definition: entity.cpp:40
The exception that wraps all errors in ARGoS.
const std::vector< SFace > & GetFaces() const
Definition: convex_hull.h:44
A 3D vector class.
Definition: vector3.h:31
void Set(const Real f_x, const Real f_y, const Real f_z)
Sets the vector contents from Cartesian coordinates.
Definition: vector3.h:155
CPrototypeLinkEntity(CComposableEntity *pc_parent)
virtual void Init(TConfigurationNode &t_tree)
Initializes the state of the entity from the XML configuration tree.