
This page collects a number of extensions of ARGoS. Extensions take the form of additional plug-ins, or of code that integrates ARGoS with other tools.



The Kilobot is a small, cheap robot widely used in the swarm robotics community. This plugin allows you to simulate the Kilobot in ARGoS. The plugin supports Kilolib, the C interface of the Kilobot. Thus, it is possible to transfer code simulated in ARGoS to the real Kilobots seamlessly.


The source code is hosted on github: https://github.com/ilpincy/argos3-kilobot. To download it, open up a terminal and clone the repository with this command:

$ git clone https://github.com/ilpincy/argos3-kilobot.git argos3-kilobot


Vito Trianni, Carlo Pinciroli



The Khepera IV is an extensible robot widely used in the swarm robotics community. This plugin allows you to simulate the Khepera IV in ARGoS, including extra modules such as the LIDAR and the gripper. The plugin supports crosscompilation on the real robot.


The source code is hosted on github: https://github.com/ilpincy/argos3-kheperaiv. To download it, open up a terminal and clone the repository with this command:

$ git clone https://github.com/ilpincy/argos3-kheperaiv.git argos3-kheperaiv


Carlo Pinciroli



The E-puck is a small wheeled robot developed for education and research purposes. This plugin allows you to simulate an enhanced version of the E-puck in ARGoS. The extensions comprise a ground sensor, a range-and-bearing board and an Omnivision module. The plugin supports crosscompilation on the real robot, provided that the robot is equipped with a Linux extension board.


The source code is hosted on github: https://github.com/demiurge-project/argos3-epuck. To download it, open up a terminal and clone the repository with this command:

$ git clone https://github.com/demiurge-project/argos3-epuck.git argos3-epuck


Lorenzo Garattoni, Gianpiero Francesca, Carlo Pinciroli, Mauro Birattari


Antoine Ligot, Ken Hasselmann



SIERRA automates the following common research pipeline:

  1. Generating ARGoS experiments from arbitrary user specifications. Users can vary any aspect of a template .argos file and SIERRA will use the variations to generate experiments investigating parameters of interest (e.g., # robots). Users can specify variations directly on the command line or programmatically in python code.

  2. Run the experiments on many different execution environments, including SLURM, PBS, and ad-hoc clusters. SIERRA allows control of random seeds, # of physics engines per simulation, arena size, and many other ARGoS features automatically.

  3. Process the experimental outputs to generate use defined statistics.

  4. Generate camera ready graphs and videos from processed experimental outputs.


SIERRA is written in python3, and is designed like ARGoS to be arbitrarily extendable via plugins. To install it, use pip:

$ pip3 install sierra-research


John Harwell



The Thymio is a small, cheap robot widely used in the swarm robotics community. This plugin allows you to simulate the Thymio in ARGoS. The plugin supports ASEBA, the programming interface of the Thymio. Thus, it is possible to transfer code simulated in ARGoS to the real Thymios seamlessly.


The source code is hosted on github: https://github.com/resilient-swarms/thymio. To download it, follow the instructions reported in the repository website.


Danesh Tarapore



Robot Operating System (ROS) is a widely used middleware for robotics. This plug-in is a bridge between ARGoS and ROS that allows you to run ROS code in ARGoS.


The source code is hosted on github: https://github.com/BOTSlab/argos_bridge. To download it, open up a terminal and clone the repository with this command:

$ git clone https://github.com/BOTSlab/argos_bridge.git argos_ros_bridge


Andrew Vardy



MultiVeStA is a statistical model checker for discrete event simulators that enables fast statistical analysis of complex experiments. With this extension, you can execute MultiVeStA queries on simulated experiments run in ARGoS.


The source code is hosted on github: https://github.com/ilpincy/argos3-multivesta. To download it, open up a terminal and clone the repository with this command:

$ git clone https://github.com/ilpincy/argos3-multivesta.git argos3-multivesta


Andrea Vandin, Carlo Pinciroli