Go to the documentation of this file.
9 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/physics_engines/dynamics3d/dynamics3d_engine.h>
10 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/physics_engines/dynamics3d/dynamics3d_shape_manager.h>
12 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/wheeled_entity.h>
13 #include <argos3/plugins/robots/e-puck/simulator/epuck_entity.h>
15 namespace argos {
17  /****************************************/
18  /****************************************/
21  CEPuckEntity& c_epuck) :
22  /* technically, the CDynamics3DMultiBodyObjectModel should be initialized with 7 children
23  links, however, setting it to 7 makes the epuck less stable for reasons. */
24  CDynamics3DMultiBodyObjectModel(c_engine, c_epuck, 3, false),
25  m_cWheeledEntity(c_epuck.GetWheeledEntity()) {
26  /* get the required collision shapes */
27  std::shared_ptr<btCollisionShape> ptrBodyShape =
28  CDynamics3DShapeManager::RequestCylinder(m_cBodyHalfExtents);
29  std::shared_ptr<btCollisionShape> ptrWheelShape =
30  CDynamics3DShapeManager::RequestCylinder(m_cWheelHalfExtents);
31  /* calculate the inertia of the collision objects */
32  btVector3 cBodyInertia;
33  btVector3 cWheelInertia;
34  ptrBodyShape->calculateLocalInertia(m_fBodyMass, cBodyInertia);
35  ptrWheelShape->calculateLocalInertia(m_fWheelMass, cWheelInertia);
36  /* calculate a btTransform that moves us from the global coordinate system to the
37  local coordinate system */
38  const SAnchor& sOriginAnchor = c_epuck.GetEmbodiedEntity().GetOriginAnchor();
39  const CQuaternion& cOrientation = sOriginAnchor.Orientation;
40  const CVector3& cPosition = sOriginAnchor.Position;
41  const btTransform& cStartTransform = btTransform(
42  btQuaternion(cOrientation.GetX(),
43  cOrientation.GetZ(),
44  -cOrientation.GetY(),
45  cOrientation.GetW()),
46  btVector3(cPosition.GetX(),
47  cPosition.GetZ(),
48  -cPosition.GetY()));
49  /* create a CAbstractBody::SData structure for each body */
50  CAbstractBody::SData sBodyData(
51  cStartTransform * m_cBodyOffset,
52  m_cBodyGeometricOffset,
53  cBodyInertia,
54  m_fBodyMass,
55  GetEngine().GetDefaultFriction());
56  CAbstractBody::SData sLeftWheelData(
57  cStartTransform * m_cLeftWheelOffset,
58  m_cWheelGeometricOffset,
59  cWheelInertia,
60  m_fWheelMass,
61  m_fWheelFriction);
62  CAbstractBody::SData sRightWheelData(
63  cStartTransform * m_cRightWheelOffset,
64  m_cWheelGeometricOffset,
65  cWheelInertia,
66  m_fWheelMass,
67  m_fWheelFriction);
68  /* create an anchor for the body (not strictly necessary but easier than
69  overloading CDynamics3DMultiBodyObjectModel::UpdateOriginAnchor) */
70  SAnchor* psBodyAnchor = &c_epuck.GetEmbodiedEntity().AddAnchor("body", {0.0, 0.0, 0.00125});
71  /* create the bodies */
72  m_ptrBody = std::make_shared<CBase>(*this, psBodyAnchor, ptrBodyShape, sBodyData);
73  m_ptrLeftWheel = std::make_shared<CLink>(*this, 0, nullptr, ptrWheelShape, sLeftWheelData);
74  m_ptrRightWheel = std::make_shared<CLink>(*this, 1, nullptr, ptrWheelShape, sRightWheelData);
75  /* copy the bodies to the base class */
76  m_vecBodies = {m_ptrBody, m_ptrLeftWheel, m_ptrRightWheel};
77  /* synchronize with the entity with the space */
78  Reset();
79  }
81  /****************************************/
82  /****************************************/
85  /* reset the base class */
87  /* set up wheels */
88  m_cMultiBody.setupRevolute(m_ptrLeftWheel->GetIndex(),
89  m_ptrLeftWheel->GetData().Mass,
90  m_ptrLeftWheel->GetData().Inertia,
91  m_ptrBody->GetIndex(),
92  m_cBodyToLeftWheelJointRotation,
93  btVector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
94  m_cBodyToLeftWheelJointOffset,
95  m_cLeftWheelToBodyJointOffset,
96  true);
97  m_cMultiBody.setupRevolute(m_ptrRightWheel->GetIndex(),
98  m_ptrRightWheel->GetData().Mass,
99  m_ptrRightWheel->GetData().Inertia,
100  m_ptrBody->GetIndex(),
101  m_cBodyToRightWheelJointRotation,
102  btVector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
103  m_cBodyToRightWheelJointOffset,
104  m_cRightWheelToBodyJointOffset,
105  true);
106  /* set up motors for the wheels */
107  m_ptrLeftMotor =
108  std::unique_ptr<btMultiBodyJointMotor>(
109  new btMultiBodyJointMotor(&m_cMultiBody,
110  m_ptrLeftWheel->GetIndex(),
111  0.0,
112  m_fWheelMotorMaxImpulse));
113  m_ptrRightMotor =
114  std::unique_ptr<btMultiBodyJointMotor>(
115  new btMultiBodyJointMotor(&m_cMultiBody,
116  m_ptrRightWheel->GetIndex(),
117  0.0,
118  m_fWheelMotorMaxImpulse));
119  /* Allocate memory and prepare the btMultiBody */
120  m_cMultiBody.finalizeMultiDof();
121  /* Synchronize with the entity in the space */
123  }
125  /****************************************/
126  /****************************************/
129  btVector3 cModelAabbMin, cModelAabbMax;
130  /* Initialize the bounding box with the base's AABB */
131  m_ptrBody->GetShape().getAabb(m_ptrBody->GetTransform(), cModelAabbMin, cModelAabbMax);
132  /* Write back the bounding box swapping the coordinate systems and the Y component */
133  GetBoundingBox().MinCorner.Set(cModelAabbMin.getX(), -cModelAabbMax.getZ(), cModelAabbMin.getY());
134  GetBoundingBox().MaxCorner.Set(cModelAabbMax.getX(), -cModelAabbMin.getZ(), cModelAabbMax.getY());
135  }
137  /****************************************/
138  /****************************************/
141  /* run the base class's implementation of this method */
143  }
145  /****************************************/
146  /****************************************/
149  /* run the base class's implementation of this method */
151  /* update joint velocities */
152  m_ptrLeftMotor->setVelocityTarget(m_cWheeledEntity.GetWheelVelocities()[0]);
153  m_ptrRightMotor->setVelocityTarget(m_cWheeledEntity.GetWheelVelocities()[1]);
154  }
156  /****************************************/
157  /****************************************/
159  void CDynamics3DEPuckModel::AddToWorld(btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld& c_world) {
160  /* run the base class's implementation of this method */
162  /* add the actuators (btMultiBodyJointMotors) constraints to the world */
163  c_world.addMultiBodyConstraint(m_ptrLeftMotor.get());
164  c_world.addMultiBodyConstraint(m_ptrRightMotor.get());
165  }
167  /****************************************/
168  /****************************************/
170  void CDynamics3DEPuckModel::RemoveFromWorld(btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld& c_world) {
171  /* remove the actuators (btMultiBodyJointMotors) constraints from the world */
172  c_world.removeMultiBodyConstraint(m_ptrRightMotor.get());
173  c_world.removeMultiBodyConstraint(m_ptrLeftMotor.get());
174  /* run the base class's implementation of this method */
176  }
178  /****************************************/
179  /****************************************/
183  /****************************************/
184  /****************************************/
186  const btVector3 CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cBodyHalfExtents(0.0362, 0.0236, 0.0362);
187  const btScalar CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_fBodyMass(0.242);
188  const btTransform CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cBodyOffset(btQuaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), btVector3(0.0,0.00125,0.0));
189  const btTransform CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cBodyGeometricOffset(btQuaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), btVector3(0.0, -0.0236, 0.0));
190  const btVector3 CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cWheelHalfExtents(0.02125,0.0015,0.02125);
191  const btScalar CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_fWheelMass(0.006);
192  const btTransform CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cWheelGeometricOffset(btQuaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), btVector3(0.0,-0.0015,0.0));
193  const btTransform CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cLeftWheelOffset(btQuaternion(btVector3(-1,0,0), SIMD_HALF_PI), btVector3(0.0, 0.02125, -0.0255));
194  const btTransform CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cRightWheelOffset(btQuaternion(btVector3(1,0,0), SIMD_HALF_PI), btVector3(0.0, 0.02125, 0.0255));
195  const btVector3 CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cBodyToRightWheelJointOffset(0.0, -0.0036, 0.0255);
196  const btVector3 CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cRightWheelToBodyJointOffset(0.0, 0.0015, 0.0);
197  const btQuaternion CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cBodyToRightWheelJointRotation(btVector3(-1,0,0), SIMD_HALF_PI);
198  const btVector3 CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cBodyToLeftWheelJointOffset(0.0, -0.0036, -0.0255);
199  const btVector3 CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cLeftWheelToBodyJointOffset(0.0, 0.0015, -0.0);
200  const btQuaternion CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_cBodyToLeftWheelJointRotation(btVector3(1,0,0), SIMD_HALF_PI);
201  /* TODO calibrate these values */
202  const btScalar CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_fWheelMotorMaxImpulse(0.15);
203  const btScalar CDynamics3DEPuckModel::m_fWheelFriction(5.0);
205  /****************************************/
206  /****************************************/
208 }
The namespace containing all the ARGoS related code.
Definition: ci_actuator.h:12
const SAnchor & GetOriginAnchor() const
Returns a const reference to the origin anchor associated to this entity.
SAnchor & AddAnchor(const std::string &str_id, const CVector3 &c_rel_position=CVector3(), const CQuaternion &c_rel_orientation=CQuaternion())
Adds an anchor to the embodied entity.
An anchor related to the body of an entity.
Definition: physics_model.h:38
CQuaternion Orientation
The orientation of the anchor wrt the global coordinate system.
Definition: physics_model.h:53
CVector3 Position
The position of the anchor wrt the global coordinate system.
Definition: physics_model.h:51
const SBoundingBox & GetBoundingBox() const
Returns an axis-aligned box that contains the physics model.
Real GetW() const
Definition: quaternion.h:49
Real GetX() const
Definition: quaternion.h:53
Real GetZ() const
Definition: quaternion.h:61
Real GetY() const
Definition: quaternion.h:57
A 3D vector class.
Definition: vector3.h:31
Real GetX() const
Returns the x coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector3.h:105
void Set(const Real f_x, const Real f_y, const Real f_z)
Sets the vector contents from Cartesian coordinates.
Definition: vector3.h:155
Real GetY() const
Returns the y coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector3.h:121
Real GetZ() const
Returns the z coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector3.h:137
virtual void AddToWorld(btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld &c_world)
CDynamics3DEPuckModel(CDynamics3DEngine &c_engine, CEPuckEntity &c_epuck)
virtual void UpdateEntityStatus()
Updates the status of the associated entity.
virtual void UpdateFromEntityStatus()
Updates the state of this model from the status of the associated entity.
virtual void CalculateBoundingBox()
Calculates the axis-aligned box that contains the entire physics model.
virtual void RemoveFromWorld(btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld &c_world)
CEmbodiedEntity & GetEmbodiedEntity()
Definition: epuck_entity.h:55
const Real * GetWheelVelocities() const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CAbstractBody > > m_vecBodies
virtual void UpdateFromEntityStatus()
Updates the state of this model from the status of the associated entity.
virtual void UpdateEntityStatus()
Updates the status of the associated entity.
CDynamics3DEngine & GetEngine()
virtual void RemoveFromWorld(btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld &c_world)
virtual void AddToWorld(btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld &c_world)
static std::shared_ptr< btCollisionShape > RequestCylinder(const btVector3 &c_half_extents)