The namespace containing all the ARGoS related code. More...
Typedefs | |
typedef std::vector< CEmbodiedEntity * > | TEmbodiedEntityVector |
typedef std::map< std::string, CEmbodiedEntity * > | TEmbodiedEntityMap |
typedef CSet< CEmbodiedEntity * > | TEmbodiedEntitySet |
typedef std::vector< SEmbodiedEntityIntersectionItem > | TEmbodiedEntityIntersectionData |
typedef std::vector< SQueryResultItem > | TQueryResult |
typedef ticpp::Element | TConfigurationNode |
The ARGoS configuration XML node. More... | |
typedef ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element > | TConfigurationNodeIterator |
The iterator for the ARGoS configuration XML node. More... | |
typedef ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Attribute > | TConfigurationAttributeIterator |
The iterator for the attributes of an XML node. More... | |
typedef CFactory< CBatteryDischargeModel > | TFactoryBatteryDischargeModel |
For dynamic loading of battery discharge models. More... | |
Functions | |
bool | operator== (const SAnchor *ps_anchor, const std::string &str_id) |
Returns true if the anchor id matches the given id. More... | |
template<typename LABEL , typename PLUGIN , typename RETURN_VALUE > | |
RETURN_VALUE | CallEntityOperation (PLUGIN &t_plugin, CEntity &c_entity) |
Calls the operation corresponding to the given context and operand Skips the function call if the operation is missing in the vtable. More... | |
REGISTER_ENTITY (CFloorEntity, "floor", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "It contains the properties of the arena floor.", "The floor entity contains the properties of the arena floor. In the current\ "implementation, it contains only the color of the floor. The floor color is\" "detected by the robots' ground sensors.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< floor id=\floor\\" " source=\SOURCE\/>\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\" "The 'source' attribute specifies where to get the color of the floor from. Its\" "value, here denoted as SOURCE, can assume the following values:\\" " image The color is calculated from the passed image file\" " loop_functions The color is calculated calling the loop functions\\" "When 'source' is set to 'image', as showed in the following example, you have\" "to specify the image path in the additional attribute 'path':\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< floor id=\floor\\" " source=\image\\" " path=\/path/to/imagefile.ext\/>\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "Many image formats are available, such as PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF and many more.\" "Refer to the FreeImage webpage for a complete list of supported image formats\" "(\\" "When 'source' is set to 'loop_functions', as showed in the following example,\" "an image is implicitly created to be used as texture for graphical\" "visualizations. The algorithm that creates the texture needs to convert from\" "meters(in the arena) to pixels(of the texture). You control how many pixels\" "per meter are used with the attribute 'pixels_per_meter'. Clearly, the higher\" "value, the higher the quality, but also the slower the algorithm and the bigger\" "the texture. The algorithm is called only once at init time, so the fact that\" "it is slow is not so important. However, the image size is limited by OpenGL.\" "Every implementation has its own limit, and you should check yours if any\" "texture-related problem arises. Now for the example:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< floor id=\floor\\" " source=\loop_functions\\" " pixels_per_meter=\100\/>\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationAddEntity, CSpaceOperationAddCFloorEntity, CFloorEntity) | |
bool | GetEmbodiedEntitiesIntersectedByRay (TEmbodiedEntityIntersectionData &t_data, const CRay3 &c_ray) |
Checks whether the given ray intersects any entity. More... | |
bool | GetClosestEmbodiedEntityIntersectedByRay (SEmbodiedEntityIntersectionItem &s_item, const CRay3 &c_ray) |
Returns the closest intersection with an embodied entity to the ray start. More... | |
bool | GetClosestEmbodiedEntityIntersectedByRay (SEmbodiedEntityIntersectionItem &s_item, const CRay3 &c_ray, CEmbodiedEntity &c_entity) |
Returns the closest intersection with an embodied entity to the ray start. More... | |
void | QueryShowPluginDescription (const std::string &str_query) |
void | QueryPlugins (const std::string &str_query) |
template<class TYPE > | |
void | QuerySearchPlugins (const std::string &str_query, TQueryResult &t_result) |
template<class TYPE > | |
void | QueryShowList (const std::string &str_header) |
RealNumberGenerator * | CreateGenerator (TConfigurationNode &t_tree) |
void * | LaunchThreadBalanceLength (void *p_data) |
void * | LaunchUpdateThreadBalanceQuantity (void *p_data) |
CRange< size_t > | CalculatePluginRangeForThread (size_t un_id, size_t un_tot_plugins) |
bool | NodeExists (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_tag) throw () |
Given a tree root node, returns true if one of its child nodes has the wanted name. More... | |
TConfigurationNode & | GetNode (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_tag) |
Given a tree root node, returns the first of its child nodes with the wanted name. More... | |
void | AddChildNode (TConfigurationNode &t_parent_node, TConfigurationNode &t_child_node) |
Adds an XML node as child of another XML node. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | GetNodeText (TConfigurationNode &t_node, T &t_buffer) |
Returns the text of the passed XML node A node text is as follows: More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | GetNodeTextOrDefault (TConfigurationNode &t_node, T &t_buffer, const T &t_default) |
Returns the text of the passed XML node, or the passed default value. More... | |
bool | NodeAttributeExists (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute) |
Returns true if the specified attribute of a node exists. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | GetNodeAttribute (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, T &t_buffer) |
Returns the value of a node's attribute. More... | |
void | GetNodeAttribute (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, bool &b_buffer) |
Returns the value of a node's attribute. More... | |
void | GetNodeAttribute (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, UInt8 &un_buffer) |
Returns the value of a node's attribute. More... | |
void | GetNodeAttribute (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, SInt8 &n_buffer) |
Returns the value of a node's attribute. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | GetNodeAttributeOrDefault (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, T &t_buffer, const T &t_default) |
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value. More... | |
void | GetNodeAttributeOrDefault (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, bool &b_buffer, const bool b_default) |
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value. More... | |
void | GetNodeAttributeOrDefault (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, UInt8 &un_buffer, const UInt8 un_default) |
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value. More... | |
void | GetNodeAttributeOrDefault (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, SInt8 &n_buffer, const SInt8 n_default) |
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | SetNodeAttribute (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, const T &t_value) |
Sets the value of the wanted node's attribute. More... | |
void | SetNodeAttribute (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, const bool b_value) |
Sets the value of the wanted node's attribute. More... | |
void | SetNodeAttribute (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, const SInt8 n_value) |
Sets the value of the wanted node's attribute. More... | |
void | SetNodeAttribute (TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, const UInt8 un_value) |
Sets the value of the wanted node's attribute. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T * | any_cast (CAny *pc_any) |
Performs a cast on the any type to the desired type, when the any type is passed by non-const pointer. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
const T * | any_cast (const CAny *pc_any) |
Performs a cast on the any type to the desired type, when the any type is passed by const pointer. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
const T & | any_cast (const CAny &c_any) |
Performs a cast on the any type to the desired type, when the any type is passed by const reference. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T & | any_cast (CAny &c_any) |
Performs a cast on the any type to the desired type, when the any type is passed by non-const reference. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &c_os, const CByteArray &c_byte_array) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &c_os, const SLogColor &s_log_color) |
Stream operator that accepts the stream modifier. More... | |
Bright red text modifier. More... | |
Bright green text modifier. More... | |
Bright yellow text modifier. More... | |
Bright blue text modifier. More... | |
Bright magenta text modifier. More... | |
Bright cyan text modifier. More... | |
Bright white text modifier. More... | |
std::ostream & | reset (std::ostream &c_os) |
Resets the text to the default settings. More... | |
CDegrees | ToDegrees (const CRadians &c_radians) |
Converts CRadians to CDegrees. More... | |
CRadians | ToRadians (const CDegrees &c_degrees) |
Converts CDegrees to CRadians. More... | |
CRadians | NormalizedDifference (const CRadians &c_angle1, const CRadians &c_angle2) |
Calculates the normalized difference between the given angles. More... | |
CDegrees | NormalizedDifference (const CDegrees &c_angle1, const CDegrees &c_angle2) |
Calculates the normalized difference between the given angles. More... | |
void | SinCos (const CRadians &c_radians, Real &f_sin, Real &f_cos) |
Computes the sine and cosine of the passed value in radians. More... | |
Real | Sin (const CRadians &c_radians) |
Computes the sine of the passed value in radians. More... | |
Real | Cos (const CRadians &c_radians) |
Computes the cosine of the passed value in radians. More... | |
Real | Tan (const CRadians &c_radians) |
Computes the tangent of the passed value in radians. More... | |
CRadians | ASin (Real f_value) |
Computes the arcsine of the passed value. More... | |
CRadians | ACos (Real f_value) |
Computes the arccosine of the passed value. More... | |
CRadians | ATan2 (const Real f_y, const Real f_x) |
Computes the arctangent of the passed values. More... | |
void | Insert (std::vector< std::vector< CConvexHull::TEdge > > &vec_edges, const std::array< UInt32, 3 > &arr_vertices) |
void | Erase (std::vector< std::vector< CConvexHull::TEdge > > &vec_edges, const std::array< UInt32, 3 > &arr_vertices) |
template<typename T > | |
T | Abs (const T &t_v) |
Returns the absolute value of the passed argument. More... | |
SInt32 | Abs (SInt32 t_v) |
Returns the absolute value of the passed argument. More... | |
Real | Abs (Real t_v) |
Returns the absolute value of the passed argument. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Min (const T &t_v1, const T &t_v2) |
Returns the smaller of the two passed arguments. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T & | Min (T &t_v1, T &t_v2) |
Returns the smaller of the two passed arguments. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Max (const T &t_v1, const T &t_v2) |
Returns the bigger of the two passed arguments. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T & | Max (T &t_v1, T &t_v2) |
Returns the bigger of the two passed arguments. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
SInt32 | Sign (const T &t_v) |
Returns the sign of the value of the passed argument. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Square (const T &t_v) |
Returns the square of the value of the passed argument. More... | |
SInt32 | Floor (Real f_value) |
Rounds the passed floating-point value to the closest lower integer. More... | |
SInt32 | Ceil (Real f_value) |
Rounds the passed floating-point value to the closest higher integer. More... | |
SInt32 | Round (Real f_value) |
Rounds the passed floating-point value to the closest integer. More... | |
SInt32 | RoundClosestToZero (Real f_value) |
Rounds the passed floating-point value to the integer closest to zero. More... | |
bool | DoubleEqAbsolute (Real f_value1, Real f_value2, Real f_epsilon) |
Tests whether a floating-point value is lower than another. More... | |
bool | DoubleEq (Real f_value1, Real f_value2) |
Tests whether a floating-point value is lower than another. More... | |
Real | Interpolate (Real f_x, const std::vector< std::pair< Real, Real > > &c_points) |
Return the value of the linear interpolation. More... | |
Real | SquareDistance (const CVector2 &c_v1, const CVector2 &c_v2) |
Computes the square distance between the passed vectors. More... | |
Real | Distance (const CVector2 &c_v1, const CVector2 &c_v2) |
Computes the distance between the passed vectors. More... | |
Real | SquareDistance (const CVector3 &c_v1, const CVector3 &c_v2) |
Computes the square distance between the passed vectors. More... | |
Real | Distance (const CVector3 &c_v1, const CVector3 &c_v2) |
Computes the distance between the passed vectors. More... | |
template<typename DERIVED , typename BASE > | |
size_t | GetTag () |
Returns the value of the tag associated to DERIVED More... | |
template<typename CONTEXT , typename BASE , typename FUNCTION > | |
CVTable< CONTEXT, BASE, FUNCTION > & | GetVTable () |
Function that returns a reference to the static vtable. More... | |
void | DumpResourceUsageHumanReadable (std::ostream &c_os, const ::rusage &t_resources) |
void | DumpResourceUsageAsTableRow (std::ostream &c_os, const ::rusage &t_resources) |
::rusage | operator- (const ::rusage &t_resource1, const ::rusage &t_resource2) |
void | Tokenize (const std::string &str_string, std::vector< std::string > &vec_tokens, const std::string &str_delimiters=" ") |
Tokenizes the given string according to the wanted delimiters (by default just a " "). More... | |
std::string | StringToUpperCase (const std::string &str_string) |
Converts a string to upper case. More... | |
std::string | StringToLowerCase (const std::string &str_string) |
Converts a string to lower case. More... | |
void | Replace (std::string &str_buffer, const std::string &str_original, const std::string &str_new) |
Searches into str_buffer for occurrences of str_original and substitutes them with str_new. More... | |
bool | MatchPattern (const std::string &str_input, const std::string &str_pattern) |
Returns true if str_pattern is matched by str_input. More... | |
std::string & | ExpandEnvVariables (std::string &str_buffer) |
Searches into str_buffer for occurrences of an environment variable of the form $VAR and substitutes them with the value of the variable. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | ToString (const T &t_value) |
Converts the given parameter to a std::string . More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | FromString (const std::string &str_value) |
Converts the given std::string parameter to the wanted type. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | ParseValues (std::istream &str_input, UInt32 un_num_fields, T *pt_field_buffer, const char ch_delimiter='\n') |
template<typename T > | |
void | ParseValues (const std::string &str_input, const UInt32 un_num_fields, T *pt_field_buffer, const char ch_delimiter='\n') |
REGISTER_CONTROLLER (CLuaController, "lua_controller") | |
int | LuaRNGBernoulli (lua_State *pt_state) |
int | LuaRNGUniform (lua_State *pt_state) |
int | LuaRNGUniformInt (lua_State *pt_state) |
int | LuaRNGExponential (lua_State *pt_state) |
int | LuaRNGGaussian (lua_State *pt_state) |
void | PrintStackEntry (CARGoSLog &c_log, lua_State *pt_state, SInt32 n_index) |
void | RecursivePrintGlobals (CARGoSLog &c_log, lua_State *pt_state, size_t un_depth) |
REGISTER_ENTITY (CEPuckEntity, "e-puck", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The e-puck robot.", "The e-puck is a open-hardware, extensible robot intended for education. In its\ "simplest form, it is a two-wheeled robot equipped with proximity sensors,\" "ground sensors, light sensors, a microphone, a frontal camera, and a ring of\" "red LEDs. More information is available at\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< e-puck id=\eb0\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 90, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</e-puck >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the pucktom point of the\" "e-puck in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and unrotated, the\" "pucktom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\" "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\" "axis, that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\" "are in the X, Y, Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the e-puck. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the pucktom point. The order of the\" "angles is Z, Y, X, which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z axis, the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in ARGoS, in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is unrotated, it\" "is oriented along the X axis.\" "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\" "e-puck. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\" "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the< controllers > XML subtree.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "You can set the emission range of the range-and-bearing system. By default, a\" "message sent by an e-puck can be received up to 80cm. By using the 'rab_range'\" "attribute, you can change it to, i.e., 4m as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< e-puck id=\eb0\ rab_range=\4>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 90, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</e-puck >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also set the data sent at each time step through the range-and-bearing\" "system. By default, a message sent by an e-puck is 2 bytes long. By using the\" " 'rab_data_size' attribute, you can change it to, i.e., 20 bytes as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< e-puck id=\eb0\ rab_data_size=\20>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 90, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</e-puck >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also configure the battery of the robot. By default, the battery never\" "depletes. You can choose among several battery discharge models, such as\" "- time:the battery depletes by a fixed amount at each time step\" "- motion:the battery depletes according to how the robot moves\" "- time_motion:a combination of the above models.\" "You can define your own models too. Follow the examples in the file\" "argos3/src/plugins/simulator/entities/battery_equipped_entity.cpp.\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< e-puck id=\eb0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\time\ factor=\1e-5\/>\" "</e-puck >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< e-puck id=\eb0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\motion\ pos_factor=\1e-3\\" " orient_factor=\1e-3\/>\" "</e-puck >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< e-puck id=\eb0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\time_motion\ time_factor=\1e-5\\" " pos_factor=\1e-3\\" " orient_factor=\1e-3\/>\" "</e-puck >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawEPuckNormal, CEPuckEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawEPuckSelected, CEPuckEntity) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &c_os, const CCI_EyeBotLightSensor::SReading &s_reading) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &c_os, const CCI_EyeBotLightSensor::TReadings &t_readings) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &c_os, const CCI_EyeBotProximitySensor::SReading &s_reading) |
REGISTER_ENTITY (CEyeBotEntity, "eye-bot", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The eye-bot robot, developed in the Swarmanoid project.", "The eye-bot is a quad-rotor developed in the Swarmanoid Project. It is a\ "fully autonomous robot with a rich set of sensors and actuators. For more\" "information, refer to the dedicated web page\" "(\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< eye-bot id=\eb0\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</eye-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the bottom point of the\" "eye-bot in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and unrotated, the\" "bottom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\" "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\" "axis, that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\" "are in the X, Y, Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the eye-bot. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the bottom point. The order of the\" "angles is Z, Y, X, which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z axis, the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in ARGoS, in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is unrotated, it\" "is oriented along the X axis.\" "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\" "eye-bot. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\" "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the< controllers > XML subtree.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "You can set the emission range of the range-and-bearing system. By default, a\" "message sent by an eye-bot can be received up to 3m. By using the 'rab_range'\" "attribute, you can change it to, i.e., 4m as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< eye-bot id=\eb0\ rab_range=\4>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</eye-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also set the data sent at each time step through the range-and-bearing\" "system. By default, a message sent by a eye-bot is 10 bytes long. By using the\" " 'rab_data_size' attribute, you can change it to, i.e., 20 bytes as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< eye-bot id=\eb0\ rab_data_size=\20>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</eye-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also configure the battery of the robot. By default, the battery never\" "depletes. You can choose among several battery discharge models, such as\" "- time:the battery depletes by a fixed amount at each time step\" "- motion:the battery depletes according to how the robot moves\" "- time_motion:a combination of the above models.\" "You can define your own models too. Follow the examples in the file\" "argos3/src/plugins/simulator/entities/battery_equipped_entity.cpp.\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< eye-bot id=\eb0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\time\ factor=\1e-5\/>\" "</eye-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< eye-bot id=\eb0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\motion\ pos_factor=\1e-3\\" " orient_factor=\1e-3\/>\" "</eye-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< eye-bot id=\eb0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\time_motion\ time_factor=\1e-5\\" " pos_factor=\1e-3\\" " orient_factor=\1e-3\/>\" "</eye-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "Finally, you can change the parameters of the camera. You can set its aperture,\" "focal length, and range with the attributes 'camera_aperture',\" " 'camera_focal_length', and 'camera_range', respectively. The default values are:\" "30 degrees for aperture, 0.035 for focal length, and 2 meters for range. Check\" "the following example:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< eye-bot id=\eb0\\" " camera_aperture=\45\\" " camera_focal_length=\0.07\\" " camera_range=\10>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</eye-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CEyeBotLightRotZOnlySensor, "eyebot_light", "rot_z_only", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The eye-bot light sensor (optimized for 2D).", "This sensor accesses a set of light sensors. The sensors all return a value\ "between 0 and 1, where 0 means nothing within range and 1 means the perceived\" "light saturates the sensor. Values between 0 and 1 depend on the distance of\" "the perceived light. Each reading R is calculated with R=(I/x)^2, where x is the\" "distance between a sensor and the light, and I is the reference intensity of the\" "perceived light. The reference intensity corresponds to the minimum distance at\" "which the light saturates a sensor. The reference intensity depends on the\" "individual light, and it is set with the \intensity\ attribute of the light\" "entity. In case multiple lights are present in the environment, each sensor\" "reading is calculated as the sum of the individual readings due to each light.\" "In other words, light wave interference is not taken into account. In\" "controllers, you must include the ci_light_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< eyebot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the light sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In OpenGL, the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" "obstructed, a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality on, add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< eyebot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the sensors, thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_level\, whose allowed range is in [-1, 1] and is added to the calculated\" "reading. The final sensor reading is always normalized in the [0-1] range.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< eyebot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " noise_level=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CEyeBotProximityDefaultSensor, "eyebot_proximity", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The eye-bot proximity sensor.", "This sensor accesses the eye-bot proximity sensor. For a complete description\ "of its usage, refer to the ci_eyebot_proximity_sensor.h interface. For the XML\" "configuration, refer to the default proximity sensor.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawEyeBotNormal, CEyeBotEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawEyeBotSelected, CEyeBotEntity) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &c_os, const CCI_FootBotBaseGroundSensor::SReading &s_reading) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &c_os, const CCI_FootBotLightSensor::SReading &s_reading) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &c_os, const CCI_FootBotMotorGroundSensor::SReading &s_reading) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &c_os, const CCI_FootBotProximitySensor::SReading &s_reading) |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CFootBotBaseGroundRotZOnlySensor, "footbot_base_ground", "rot_z_only", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The foot-bot base ground sensor.", "This sensor accesses the foot-bot base ground sensor. For a complete description\ "of its usage, refer to the ci_footbot_base_ground_sensor.h interface. For the XML\" "configuration, refer to the default ground sensor.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ACTUATOR (CFootBotDistanceScannerDefaultActuator, "footbot_distance_scanner", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The foot-bot distance scanner actuator.", "This actuator controls the foot-bot distance scanner. For a complete\ "description of its usage, refer to the ci_footbot_distance_scanner_actuator\" "file.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< footbot_distance_scanner implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CFootBotDistanceScannerRotZOnlySensor, "footbot_distance_scanner", "rot_z_only", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The foot-bot distance scanner sensor (optimized for 2D).", "This sensor accesses the foot-bot distance scanner sensor. For a complete\ "description of its usage, refer to the common interface.\" "In this implementation, the readings are calculated under the assumption that\" "the foot-bot is always parallel to the XY plane, i.e., it rotates only around\" "the Z axis. This implementation is faster than a 3D one and should be used\" "only when the assumption about the foot-bot rotation holds.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_distance_scanner implementation=\rot_z_only\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the distance scanner in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In OpenGL, the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" "obstructed, a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality on, add the attribute 'show_rays=\true\' in the\" "XML as in this example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_distance_scanner implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ENTITY (CFootBotEntity, "foot-bot", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The foot-bot robot, developed in the Swarmanoid project.", "The foot-bot is a wheeled robot developed in the Swarmanoid Project. It is a\ "modular robot with a rich set of sensors and actuators. For more information,\" "refer to the dedicated web page\" "(\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the bottom point of the\" "foot-bot in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and unrotated, the\" "bottom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\" "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\" "axis, that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\" "are in the X, Y, Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the foot-bot. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the bottom point. The order of the\" "angles is Z, Y, X, which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z axis, the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in ARGoS, in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is unrotated, it\" "is oriented along the X axis.\" "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\" "foot-bot. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\" "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the< controllers > XML subtree.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "You can set the emission range of the range-and-bearing system. By default, a\" "message sent by a foot-bot can be received up to 3m. By using the 'rab_range'\" "attribute, you can change it to, i.e., 4m as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\ rab_range=\4>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also set the data sent at each time step through the range-and-bearing\" "system. By default, a message sent by a foot-bot is 10 bytes long. By using the\" " 'rab_data_size' attribute, you can change it to, i.e., 20 bytes as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\ rab_data_size=\20>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also configure the battery of the robot. By default, the battery never\" "depletes. You can choose among several battery discharge models, such as\" "- time:the battery depletes by a fixed amount at each time step\" "- motion:the battery depletes according to how the robot moves\" "- time_motion:a combination of the above models.\" "You can define your own models too. Follow the examples in the file\" "argos3/src/plugins/simulator/entities/battery_equipped_entity.cpp.\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\time\ factor=\1e-5\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\motion\ pos_factor=\1e-3\\" " orient_factor=\1e-3\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\time_motion\ time_factor=\1e-5\\" " pos_factor=\1e-3\\" " orient_factor=\1e-3\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also change the aperture of the omnidirectional camera. The aperture is\" "set to 70 degrees by default. The tip of the omnidirectional camera is placed on\" "top of the robot(h=0.289), and with an aperture of 70 degrees the range on the\" "ground is r=h *tan(aperture)=0.289 *tan(70)=0.794m. To change the aperture to 80\" "degrees, use the 'omnidirectional_camera_aperture' as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\ omnidirectional_camera_aperture=\80>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "Finally, you can change the parameters of the perspective camera. You can set\" "its direction, aperture, focal length, and range with the attributes\" " 'perspective_camera_front', 'perspective_camera_aperture',\" " 'perspective_camera_focal_length', and 'perspective_camera_range', respectively.\" "The default values are:'true' for front direction, 30 degrees for aperture,\" "0.035 for focal length, and 2 meters for range. When the direction is set to\" " 'false', the camera looks up. This can be useful to see the eye-bot LEDs. Check\" "the following example:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\\" " perspective_camera_front=\false\\" " perspective_camera_aperture=\45\\" " perspective_camera_focal_length=\0.07\\" " perspective_camera_range=\10>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CFootBotLightRotZOnlySensor, "footbot_light", "rot_z_only", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The foot-bot light sensor (optimized for 2D).", "This sensor accesses a set of light sensors. The sensors all return a value\ "between 0 and 1, where 0 means nothing within range and 1 means the perceived\" "light saturates the sensor. Values between 0 and 1 depend on the distance of\" "the perceived light. Each reading R is calculated with R=(I/x)^2, where x is the\" "distance between a sensor and the light, and I is the reference intensity of the\" "perceived light. The reference intensity corresponds to the minimum distance at\" "which the light saturates a sensor. The reference intensity depends on the\" "individual light, and it is set with the \intensity\ attribute of the light\" "entity. In case multiple lights are present in the environment, each sensor\" "reading is calculated as the sum of the individual readings due to each light.\" "In other words, light wave interference is not taken into account. In\" "controllers, you must include the ci_light_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the light sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In OpenGL, the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" "obstructed, a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality on, add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the sensors, thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_level\, whose allowed range is in [-1, 1] and is added to the calculated\" "reading. The final sensor reading is always normalized in the [0-1] range.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " noise_level=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CFootBotMotorGroundRotZOnlySensor, "footbot_motor_ground", "rot_z_only", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The foot-bot motor ground sensor.", "This sensor accesses the foot-bot motor ground sensor. For a complete description\ "of its usage, refer to the ci_footbot_motor_ground_sensor.h interface. For the XML\" "configuration, refer to the default ground sensor.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CFootBotProximityDefaultSensor, "footbot_proximity", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The foot-bot proximity sensor.", "This sensor accesses the foot-bot proximity sensor. For a complete description\ "of its usage, refer to the ci_footbot_proximity_sensor.h interface. For the XML\" "configuration, refer to the default proximity sensor.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ACTUATOR (CFootBotTurretDefaultActuator, "footbot_turret", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The foot-bot turret actuator.", "This actuator controls the foot-bot turret. For a complete\ "description of its usage, refer to the ci_footbot_turret_actuator\" "file.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< footbot_turret implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CFootBotTurretEncoderDefaultSensor, "footbot_turret_encoder", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The foot-bot turret encoder sensor.", "This sensor accesses the foot-bot turret encoder. For a complete\ "description of its usage, refer to the ci_footbot_turret_encoder_sensor\" "file.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_turret_encoder implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawFootBotNormal, CFootBotEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawFootBotSelected, CFootBotEntity) | |
CRange< Real > | UNIT (0.0f, 1.0f) |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CBatteryDefaultSensor, "battery", "default", "Adhavan Jayabalan []", "1.0", "A generic battery level sensor.", "This sensor returns the current battery level of a robot. This sensor\ "can be used with any robot, since it accesses only the body component. In\" "controllers, you must include the ci_battery_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< battery implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the sensor, thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. You can add noise through the\" "attribute 'noise_range' as follows:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< battery implementation=\default\\" " noise_range=\-0.3:0.4\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CCameraDefaultSensor, "cameras", "default", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "A generic multi-camera sensor capable of running various algorithms", "The generic multi-camera sensor can be attached to any composable entity in\ "ARGoS that contains an embodied entity with at least one anchor. The sensor\" "can be initialized with a number of cameras each running different algorithms\" "for detecting different objects in the simulation. The sensor is designed so\" "that algorithms can project a feature in the simulation on to the virtual \" "sensor and store its 2D pixel coordinates as a reading. The implementation\" "of algorithms that behave differently, however, is also possible.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< cameras implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the frustum of each camera sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. To turn this functionality on, add the\" "attribute \show_frustum\ as follows:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< cameras implementation=\default\ show_frustum=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "To add a camera to the plugin, create a camera node as shown in the following\" "example. A camera is defined by its range(how close and how far the camera\" "can see), its anchor and its position and orientation offsets from that\" "that anchor, its focal length and principal point(which define the\" "projection matrix), and its resolution.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< cameras implementation=\default\ show_frustum=\true>\" "< camera id=\camera0\ range=\0.025:0.25\ anchor=\origin\\" " position=\0.1, 0, 0.1\ orientation=\90,-90, 0\\" " focal_length=\800, 800\ principal_point=\320, 240\\" " resolution=\640, 480\/>\" "</cameras >\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "To run an algorithm on the camera sensor, simply add the algorithm as a node\" "under the camera node. At the time of writing, three algorithms are available\" "by default:led_detector, directional_led_detector, and tag_detector. Each of\" "algorithms requires a medium attribute that specifies the medium where the\" "target entities are indexed. By setting the show_rays attribute to true, you\" "can see whether or not a target was partially occluded by another object in\" "the simulation. For example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< cameras implementation=\default\ show_frustum=\true>\" "< camera id=\camera0\ range=\0.025:0.25\ anchor=\origin\\" " position=\0.1, 0, 0.1\ orientation=\90,-90, 0\\" " focal_length=\800, 800\ principal_point=\320, 240\\" " resolution=\640, 480>\" "< led_detector medium=\leds\ show_rays=\true\/>\" "</camera >\" "</cameras >\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_CAMERA_SENSOR_ALGORITHM (CCameraSensorDirectionalLEDDetectorAlgorithm, "directional_led_detector", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "This algorithm detects nearby LEDs seen by the camera and\ "returns the X and Y coordinates on the sensor", "This algorithm detects nearby LEDs seen by the camera and\" "returns the X and Y coordinates on the sensor", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_CAMERA_SENSOR_ALGORITHM (CCameraSensorLEDDetectorAlgorithm, "led_detector", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "This algorithm detects nearby LEDs seen by the camera and\ "returns the X and Y coordinates on the sensor", "This algorithm detects nearby LEDs seen by the camera and\" "returns the X and Y coordinates on the sensor", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_CAMERA_SENSOR_ALGORITHM (CCameraSensorTagDetectorAlgorithm, "tag_detector", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "This algorithm detects nearby tags seen by the camera and\ "returns the coordinates of their corners to the sensor", "This algorithm detects nearby tags seen by the camera and\" "returns the coordinates of their corners to the sensor", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CColoredBlobOmnidirectionalCameraRotZOnlySensor, "colored_blob_omnidirectional_camera", "rot_z_only", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A generic omnidirectional camera sensor to detect colored blobs.", "This sensor accesses an omnidirectional camera that detects colored blobs. The\ "sensor returns a list of blobs, each defined by a color and a position with\" "respect to the robot reference point on the ground. In controllers, you must\" "include the ci_colored_blob_omnidirectional_camera_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_omnidirectional_camera implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute must be set to the id of the leds medium declared in the\" "< media > section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the camera sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In OpenGL, the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" "obstructed, a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality on, add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_omnidirectional_camera implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the blobs, thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_std_dev\.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_omnidirectional_camera implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " noise_std_dev=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CColoredBlobPerspectiveCameraDefaultSensor, "colored_blob_perspective_camera", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A generic perspective camera sensor to detect colored blobs.", "This sensor accesses an perspective camera that detects colored blobs. The\ "sensor returns a list of blobs, each defined by a color and a position with\" "respect to the robot reference point on the ground. In controllers, you must\" "include the ci_colored_blob_perspective_camera_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_perspective_camera implementation=\default\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute must be set to the id of the leds medium declared in the\" "< media > section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the camera sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In OpenGL, the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" "obstructed, a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality on, add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_perspective_camera implementation=\default\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the blobs, thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_std_dev\.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_perspective_camera implementation=\default\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " noise_std_dev=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CDifferentialSteeringDefaultSensor, "differential_steering", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A generic differential steering sensor.", "This sensor returns the current position and orientation of a robot. This sensor\ "can be used with any robot, since it accesses only the body component. In\" "controllers, you must include the ci_differential_steering_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< differential_steering implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the sensor, thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. You can add noise through the\" "attributes 'vel_noise_range' and 'dist_noise_range'.\" "Attribute 'vel_noise_range' regulates the noise range on the velocity returned\" "by the sensor. Attribute 'dist_noise_range' sets the noise range on the\" "distance covered by the wheels.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< differential_steering implementation=\default\\" " vel_noise_range=\-0.1:0.2\\" " dist_noise_range=\-10.5:13.7\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ACTUATOR (CDirectionalLEDsDefaultActuator, "directional_leds", "default", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "The directional LEDs actuator.", "This actuator controls a group of directional LEDs. For a complete description\ "of its usage, refer to the ci_leds_actuator.h file.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< leds implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute sets the id of the LED medium declared in the< media >\" "XML section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CGroundRotZOnlySensor, "ground", "rot_z_only", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A generic ground sensor (optimized for 2D).", "This sensor accesses a set of ground sensors. The sensors all return a value\ "between 0 and 1, where 0 means black and 1 means white. Depending on the type\" "of ground sensor, readings can either take 0 or 1 as value(bw sensors) or a\" "value in between(grayscale sensors). In controllers, you must include the\" "ci_ground_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< ground implementation=\rot_z_only\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the sensors, thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_level\, whose allowed range is in [-1, 1] and is added to the calculated\" "reading. The final sensor reading is always normalized in the [0-1] range.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< ground implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " noise_level=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CLightDefaultSensor, "light", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A generic light sensor.", "This sensor accesses a set of light sensors. The sensors all return a value\ "between 0 and 1, where 0 means nothing within range and 1 means the perceived\" "light saturates the sensor. Values between 0 and 1 depend on the distance of\" "the perceived light. Each reading R is calculated with R=(I/x)^2, where x is the\" "distance between a sensor and the light, and I is the reference intensity of the\" "perceived light. The reference intensity corresponds to the minimum distance at\" "which the light saturates a sensor. The reference intensity depends on the\" "individual light, and it is set with the \intensity\ attribute of the light\" "entity. In case multiple lights are present in the environment, each sensor\" "reading is calculated as the sum of the individual readings due to each light.\" "In other words, light wave interference is not taken into account. In\" "controllers, you must include the ci_light_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< light implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the light sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In OpenGL, the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" "obstructed, a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality on, add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< light implementation=\default\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the sensors, thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_level\, whose allowed range is in [-1, 1] and is added to the calculated\" "reading. The final sensor reading is always normalized in the [0-1] range.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< light implementation=\default\\" " noise_level=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ACTUATOR (CMagnetsDefaultActuator, "magnets", "default", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "The (electro)magnet actuator.", "This actuator is used to modify the magnetic field of a magnet entity in the\ "simulation. A magnetic entity has a passive and an active field. The overall\" "field of a magnetic entity is calculated as:\\" " field=passive_field+(current x active_field)\\" "This actuator allows you to set the current, a scalar multiplier of the active\" "field.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< magnets implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CPositioningDefaultSensor, "positioning", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A generic positioning sensor.", "This sensor returns the current position and orientation of a robot. This sensor\ "can be used with any robot, since it accesses only the body component. In\" "controllers, you must include the ci_positioning_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< positioning implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the sensor, thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. You can add noise through the\" "attributes 'pos_noise_range', 'angle_noise_range', and 'axis_noise_range'.\" "Attribute 'pos_noise_range' regulates the noise range on the position returned\" "by the sensor. Attribute 'angle_noise_range' sets the noise range on the angle\" "(values expressed in degrees). Attribute 'axis_noise_range' sets the noise for\" "the rotation axis. Angle and axis are used to calculate a quaternion, which is\" "the actual returned value for rotation.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< positioning implementation=\default\\" " pos_noise_range=\-0.1:0.2\\" " angle_noise_range=\-10.5:13.7\\" " axis_noise_range=\-0.3:0.4\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CProximityDefaultSensor, "proximity", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A generic proximity sensor.", "This sensor accesses a set of proximity sensors. The sensors all return a value\ "between 0 and 1, where 0 means nothing within range and 1 means an external\" "object is touching the sensor. Values between 0 and 1 depend on the distance of\" "the occluding object, and are calculated as value=exp(-distance). In\" "controllers, you must include the ci_proximity_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< proximity implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the proximity sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In OpenGL, the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" "obstructed, a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality on, add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< proximity implementation=\default\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the sensors, thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_level\, whose allowed range is in [-1, 1] and is added to the calculated\" "reading. The final sensor reading is always normalized in the [0-1] range.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< proximity implementation=\default\\" " noise_level=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ACTUATOR (CRadiosDefaultActuator, "radios", "default", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "A generic radio actuator to send messages to nearby radios.", "This radio actuator implementation allows an arbitary number of messages\ "containing an arbitary number of bytes to be sent to nearby radios. The\" "implementation of this actuator is very basic and any concepts such as\" "throughput, addressing, or formatting of a message 's contents is beyond the\" "scope of this actuator 's implementation.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< radios implementation=\default\ medium=\radios\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute sets the id of the radio medium declared in the< media >\" "XML section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CRadiosDefaultSensor, "radios", "default", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "A generic radio sensor to receive messages from nearby radios.", "This radio sensor implementation allows an arbitary number of messages\ "containing an arbitary number of bytes to be received from nearby robots. The\" "implementation is very basic and any concepts such as throughput, addressing,\" "or formatting of a message 's contents is beyond the scope of this sensor 's\" "implementation\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< radios implementation=\default\ medium=\radios\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute sets the id of the radio medium declared in the< media >\" "XML section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ACTUATOR (CRangeAndBearingDefaultActuator, "range_and_bearing", "default", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The range and bearing actuator.", "This actuator allows robots to perform situated communication, i.e., a form of\ "wireless communication whereby the receiver also knows the location of the\" "sender with respect to its own frame of reference.\" "This actuator allows a robot to send messages. To receive messages, you need\" "the range-and-bearing sensor.\" "To use this actuator, in controllers you must include the\" "ci_range_and_bearing_actuator.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< range_and_bearing implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CRangeAndBearingMediumSensor, "range_and_bearing", "medium", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The range-and-bearing sensor.", "This sensor allows robots to perform situated communication, i.e., a form of\ "wireless communication whereby the receiver also knows the location of the\" "sender with respect to its own frame of reference.\" "This implementation of the range-and-bearing sensor is associated to the\" "range-and-bearing medium. To be able to use this sensor, you must add a\" "range-and-bearing medium to the< media > section.\" "This sensor allows a robot to receive messages. To send messages, you need the\" "range-and-bearing actuator.\" "To use this sensor, in controllers you must include the\" "ci_range_and_bearing_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< range_and_bearing implementation=\medium\\" " medium=\rab\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute must be set to the id of the range-and-bearing medium\" "declared in the< media > section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the range-and-bearing sensor in the\" "OpenGL visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to\" "understand what 's wrong in your controller. In OpenGL, the rays are drawn in\" "cyan when two robots are communicating.\" "To turn this functionality on, add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< range_and_bearing implementation=\medium\\" " medium=\rab\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add noise to the readings, thus matching the characteristics\" "of a real robot better. Noise is implemented as a random vector added to the\" "vector joining two communicating robots. For the random vector, the inclination\" "and azimuth are chosen uniformly in the range [0:PI] and [0:2PI], respectively,\" "and the length is drawn from a Gaussian distribution. The standard deviation of\" "the Gaussian distribution is expressed in meters and set by the user through\" "the attribute 'noise_std_dev' as shown in this example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< range_and_bearing implementation=\medium\\" " medium=\rab\\" " noise_std_dev=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "In addition, it is possible to specify the probability that a packet gets lost\" "even though the robot should have received it(i.e., packet dropping). To set\" "this probability, use the attribute 'packet_drop_prob' as shown in the example:\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< range_and_bearing implementation=\medium\\" " medium=\rab\\" " packet_drop_prob=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ACTUATOR (CTagsDefaultActuator, "tags", "default", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "The tags actuator.", "This actuator controls the payloads of a group of tags. The idea" "is to represent an LCD screen that displays different tags. For a" "complete description of its usage, refer to the ci_tags_actuator.h" " file.\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\" " <controllers>\ " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< tags implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ENTITY (CMiniQuadrotorEntity, "mini-quadrotor", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The mini-quadrotor robot, developed at UPenn.", "The mini-quadrotor is a fluing robot developed at UPenn by Vijay Kumar's group.\ "It is a very agile robot, able to perform fast and precise movements.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< mini-quadrotor id=\mq0\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 2.0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</mini-quadrotor >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the bottom point of the\" "mini-quadrotor in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and unrotated, the\" "bottom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\" "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\" "axis, that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\" "are in the X, Y, Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the\" "mini-quadrotor. All rotations are performed with respect to the bottom point.\" "The order of the angles is Z, Y, X, which means that the first number corresponds\" "to the rotation around the Z axis, the second around Y and the last around X.\" "This reflects the internal convention used in ARGoS, in which rotations are\" "performed in that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is\" "unrotated, it is oriented along the X axis.\" "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\" "mini-quadrotor. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\" "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the< controllers > XML subtree.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawMiniQuadrotorNormal, CMiniQuadrotorEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawMiniQuadrotorSelected, CMiniQuadrotorEntity) | |
REGISTER_ENTITY (CPrototypeEntity, "prototype", "1.0", "Michael Allwright []", "A generic and configurable entity", "The prototyping entity allows users to quickly implement new entities using an\ "experiment 's configuration file. A prototype entity is predominantly described\" "as a set of links connected through joints. The joints can be fixed, prismatic,\" "revolute, spherical, or planar. Sensors and actuators for prismatic and revolute\" "joints are provided. Since each link defines an anchor in the embodied entity,\" "it is also possible to attach the following entities to any link in the model:\" "the directional LED entity, the LED entity, the magnet entity, the tag entity,\" "the radio entity, and the proximity sensor equipped entity.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< prototype id=\pt0\ movable=\true\>\" "< body position=\0.1, 0.1, 0.0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< links ref=\base\>\" "< link id=\base\ geometry=\box\ size=\0.1, 0.1, 0.1\\" " mass=\1\ position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</prototype >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id the initialization aborts and the simulator will\" "terminate. The movable attribute defines whether the reference link of a robot\" "is fixed or not. This attribute is useful, for example, if you want to model a\" "robotic arm whose links are movable, but where there is one link(i.e. the\" "reference link) that is fixed to the ground, a wall, or the ceiling.\" "The body tag defines the position and orientation of the prototype entity in the\" "global coordinate system. The most simple entity contains a single link and no\" "joints. An important detail to note is the 'ref' attribute of the links node.\" "This attribute specifies which link is to be used to refer to the prototype\" "entity 's location. The example in the required configuration defines a single\" "link with a box geometry. Three geometries for links are currently supported:\" "boxes, cylinders, and spheres. The size of a box is defined using the size\" "attribute while cylinders and spheres are defined using a radius attribute and a\" "height attribute in the case of the cylinder. The mass of each link must be\" "defined and specified in kilograms. The position and orientation of each link\" "refer to the offset of the link in the entity 's local coordinate system.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "In the following example, additional links and joints are added to a prototype\" "entity to form a small four-wheeled vehicle.\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< prototype id=\vehicle\ movable=\true\>\" "< body position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "< links ref=\base\>\" "< link id=\base\ geometry=\box\ size=\0.1, 0.05, 0.02\ mass=\1\\" " position=\0, 0, 0.01\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "< link id=\wheel_fl\ geometry=\cylinder\ radius=\0.02\ height=\.005\\" " mass=\.05\ position=\.025,.025, 0.02\ orientation=\0, 0,-90\/>\" "< link id=\wheel_fr\ geometry=\cylinder\ radius=\0.02\ height=\.005\\" " mass=\.05\ position=\.025,-.025, 0.02\ orientation=\0, 0, 90\/>\" "< link id=\wheel_br\ geometry=\cylinder\ radius=\0.02\ height=\.005\\" " mass=\.05\ position=\-.025,-.025, 0.02\ orientation=\0, 0, 90\/>\" "< link id=\wheel_bl\ geometry=\cylinder\ radius=\0.02\ height=\.005\\" " mass=\.05\ position=\-.025,.025, 0.02\ orientation=\0, 0,-90\/>\" "</links >\" "< joints >\" "< joint id=\base_wheel_fr\ type=\revolute\ axis=\0, 0, 1>\" "< parent link=\base\ position=\.025,-.025,.01\ orientation=\0, 0, 90\/>\" "< child link=\wheel_fr\ position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</joint >\" "< joint id=\base_wheel_fl\ type=\revolute\ axis=\0, 0, 1>\" "< parent link=\base\ position=\.025,.025,.01\ orientation=\0, 0,-90\/>\" "< child link=\wheel_fl\ position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</joint >\" "< joint id=\base_wheel_br\ type=\revolute\ axis=\0, 0, 1>\" "< parent link=\base\ position=\-.025,-.025,.01\ orientation=\0, 0, 90\/>\" "< child link=\wheel_br\ position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</joint >\" "< joint id=\base_wheel_bl\ type=\revolute\ axis=\0, 0, 1>\" "< parent link=\base\ position=\-.025,.025,.01\ orientation=\0, 0,-90\/>\" "< child link=\wheel_bl\ position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</joint >\" "</joints >\" "</prototype >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "In this example, there are five links:the base of the vehicle and four wheels.\" "The wheels are attached to the base using revolute joints. The joint node\" "requires the joint type attribute and in the case of prismatic and revolute\" "joints an axis which defines the joint 's degree of freedom. In addition to the\" "axis attribute, prismatic and revolute joints can also be limited using the\" "limit attribute. In the case of prismatic joints, this value is interpreted as a\" "range in meters and in the case of revolute joints, this value is interpreted as\" "a range in degrees. The maximum and minimum values must be separated with the\" "colon character. The joint node requires two child nodes, namely the parent and\" "child nodes which describe the links involved in the joint. Each of these nodes\" "also specifies a position and an orientation, which defines the offset from the\" "link 's local coordinate system to the joint 's reference frame. Note that the\" "prototype entity is consistent with ARGoS conventions and the origin of all\" "coordinate systems is at the base of an entity and not at its center of mass.\" "Prismatic and revolute joints support sensors and actuators which can control\" "and monitor the position and velocity of a joint. Refer to the documentation on\" "the joints sensor and joints actuator by querying the joints plugin. It is also\" "possible to attach any number of devices to the links in a prototype entity:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< prototype id=\block\ movable=\true\>\" "< body position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "< links ref=\base\>\" "< link id=\base\ geometry=\box\ size=\.015,.015,.015\ mass=\0.1\\" " position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</links >\" "< devices >\" "< directional_leds medium=\leds\>\" "< directional_led anchor=\base\ color=\red\ observable_angle=\180\\" " position=\0, 0,.0155\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</directional_leds >\" "< tags medium=\tags\>\" "< tag position=\0, 0,.0155\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\ payload=\0\\" " side_length=\.01\ observable_angle=\180\ anchor=\base\/>\" "</tags >\" "< radios medium=\nfc\>\" "< radio anchor=\base\ duplex_mode=\half\ range=\1\\" " position=\0, 0, 0.0075\/>\" "</radios >\" "</devices >\" "</prototype >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "Each of these devices has three attributes in common:an anchor, a position, and\" "an orientation. Using these attributes you can attach any number of these\" "entities to any link in the prototype entity since each link creates an anchor.\" "In addition to these attributes, the entities have some attributes that define\" "their characteristics. For example, tags have a side length and payload, while\" "the directional LED has a color. The three devices in the example all require\" "mediums. These mediums index the entities and allow them to be detected by\" "sensors.", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ACTUATOR (CPrototypeJointsDefaultActuator, "joints", "default", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "The prototype joints actuator: controls a prototype entity's joints.", "This actuator is used to control the joints inside a prototype entity. To\ "control a joint, add a joint child node to the joints node. Each child node has\" "three attributes, all of which are required.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< joints implementation=\default\>\" "< joint id=\joint0\ mode=\velocity\ max_impulse=\0.002f\/>\" "< joint id=\joint1\ mode=\position\ max_impulse=\0.005f\/>\" " ...\" "</joints >\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'id' attribute specifies which joint in the prototype joint equipped entity\" "we are interested in controlling. The 'mode' attribute has three options:\" "disabled, position, and velocity. The disabled mode is self-explanatory. The\" "position and velocity modes enable closed loop position control and closed loop\" "velocity control. The 'max_impulse' attribute defines the maximum impulse of\" "the actuator in kg m/s for prismatic joints and kg m^2/s for revolute joints.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SENSOR (CPrototypeJointsDefaultSensor, "joints", "default", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "The prototype joints sensor: monitors a prototype entity's joints.", "This sensor is used to monitor the joints inside a prototype entity. To monitor\ "a joint, add a joint child node to the joints node. Each child node has two\" "required attributes.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< joints implementation=\default\>\" "< joint id=\joint0\ mode=\velocity\/>\" "< joint id=\joint1\ mode=\position\/>\" " ...\" "</joints >\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'id' attribute specifies which joint in the prototype joint equipped entity\" "we are interested in monitoring. The 'mode' attribute has three options:\" "disabled, position, and velocity. The disabled mode is self-explanatory. The\" "position mode measures the displacement of the joint from its initial position\" "or orientation(depending on whether the specified joint is prismatic or\" "revolute). The reading from the joint is reported in either meters or radians\" "respectively. The velocity mode measures the how much the position or\" "orientation of the joint is changing every second.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal, CQTOpenGLWidget, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawPrototypeNormal, void, CPrototypeEntity) | |
REGISTER_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected, CQTOpenGLWidget, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawPrototypeSelected, void, CPrototypeEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSpiriNormal, CSpiriEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSpiriSelected, CSpiriEntity) | |
REGISTER_ENTITY (CSpiriEntity, "spiri", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "The spiri robot, developed by Pleiades Robotics.", "The spiri is a quad-rotor developed by Pleiades Robotics. It is a\ "fully autonomous robot with a rich set of sensors and actuators. For more\" "information, refer to the dedicated web page(\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< spiri id=\sp0\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</spiri >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the bottom point of the\" "spiri in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and unrotated, the\" "bottom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\" "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\" "axis, that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\" "are in the X, Y, Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the spiri. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the bottom point. The order of the\" "angles is Z, Y, X, which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z axis, the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in ARGoS, in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is unrotated, it\" "is oriented along the X axis.\" "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\" "spiri. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\" "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the< controllers > XML subtree.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "You can set the emission range of the range-and-bearing system. By default, a\" "message sent by an spiri can be received up to 3m. By using the 'rab_range'\" "attribute, you can change it to, i.e., 4m as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< spiri id=\sp0\ rab_range=\4>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</spiri >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also set the data sent at each time step through the range-and-bearing\" "system. By default, a message sent by a spiri is 10 bytes long. By using the\" " 'rab_data_size' attribute, you can change it to, i.e., 20 bytes as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< spiri id=\sp0\ rab_data_size=\20>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</spiri >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also configure the battery of the robot. By default, the battery never\" "depletes. You can choose among several battery discharge models, such as\" "- time:the battery depletes by a fixed amount at each time step\" "- motion:the battery depletes according to how the robot moves\" "- time_motion:a combination of the above models.\" "You can define your own models too. Follow the examples in the file\" "argos3/src/plugins/simulator/entities/battery_equipped_entity.cpp.\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< spiri id=\sp0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\time\ factor=\1e-5\/>\" "</spiri >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< spiri id=\sp0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\motion\ pos_factor=\1e-3\\" " orient_factor=\1e-3\/>\" "</spiri >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< spiri id=\sp0\\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "< battery model=\time_motion\ time_factor=\1e-5\\" " pos_factor=\1e-3\\" " orient_factor=\1e-3\/>\" "</spiri >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_BATTERY_DISCHARGE_MODEL (CBatteryDischargeModelTime, "time") | |
REGISTER_BATTERY_DISCHARGE_MODEL (CBatteryDischargeModelMotion, "motion") | |
REGISTER_BATTERY_DISCHARGE_MODEL (CBatteryDischargeModelTimeMotion, "time_motion") | |
REGISTER_ENTITY (CBoxEntity, "box", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A stretchable 3D box.", "The box entity can be used to model walls, obstacles or box-shaped grippable\ "objects. It can be movable or not. A movable object can be pushed and gripped.\" "An unmovable object is pretty much like a wall.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "To declare an unmovable object(i.e., a wall) you need the following:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< box id=\box1\ size=\0.75, 0.1, 0.5\ movable=\false>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "</box >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "To declare a movable object you need the following:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< box id=\box1\ size=\0.75, 0.1, 0.5\ movable=\true\ mass=\2.5>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "</box >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\" "The 'size' attribute specifies the size of the box along the three axes, in\" "the X, Y, Z order. When you add a box, imagine it initially unrotated and\" "centered in the origin. The size, then, corresponds to the extent along the X,\" "Y and Z axes.\" "The 'movable' attribute specifies whether or not the object is movable. When\" "set to 'false', the object is unmovable:if another object pushes against it,\" "the box won 't move. When the attribute is set to 'true', the box is movable\" "upon pushing or gripping. When an object is movable, the 'mass' attribute is\" "required.\" "The 'mass' attribute quantifies the mass of the box in kg.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the base of the box in\" "the arena. The three values are in the X, Y, Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the 3D box. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the center of mass. The order of the\" "angles is Z, Y, X, which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z axis, the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in ARGoS, in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add any number of colored LEDs to the box. In this way,\" "the box is visible with a robot camera. The position and color of the\" "LEDs is specified with the following syntax:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< box id=\box1\ size=\0.75, 0.1, 0.5\ movable=\true\ mass=\2.5>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< leds medium=\id_of_led_medium>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15, 0.15, 0.15\ anchor=\origin\ color=\white\/>\" "< led offset=\-0.15, 0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\red\/>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15, 0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\blue\/>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15,-0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\green\/>\" "</leds >\" "</box >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "In the example, four LEDs are added to the box. The LEDs have\" "different colors and are located one on the top and three\" "around the box. The LEDs are managed by the LED medium declared in\" "the< media > section of the configuration file with id \id_of_led_medium\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_ENTITY (CCylinderEntity, "cylinder", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A stretchable cylinder.", "The cylinder entity can be used to model obstacles or cylinder-shaped\ "grippable objects. The cylinder has a red LED on the center of one\" "of the circular surfaces, that allows perception using the cameras.\" "The cylinder can be movable or not. A movable object can be pushed\" "and gripped. An unmovable object is pretty much like a column.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "To declare an unmovable object(i.e., a column) you need the following:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< cylinder id=\cyl1\ radius=\0.8\ height=\0.5\ movable=\false\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "</cylinder >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "To declare a movable object you need the following:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< cylinder id=\cyl1\ radius=\0.8\ height=\0.5\\" " movable=\true\ mass=\2.5>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "</cylinder >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\" "The 'radius' and 'height' attributes specify the size of the cylinder. When\" "you add a cylinder, imagine it initially unrotated and centered in the origin.\" "The base of the cylinder, then, is parallel to the XY plane and its height\" "goes with the Z axis.\" "The 'movable' attribute specifies whether or not the object is movable. When\" "set to 'false', the object is unmovable:if another object pushes against it,\" "the cylinder won 't move. When the attribute is set to 'true', the cylinder is\" "movable upon pushing or gripping. When an object is movable, the 'mass'\" "attribute is required.\" "The 'mass' attribute quantifies the mass of the cylinder in kg.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the base of the\" "cylinder in the arena. The three values are in the X, Y, Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the cylinder. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the center of mass. The order of the\" "angles is Z, Y, X, which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z axis, the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in ARGoS, in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add any number of colored LEDs to the cylinder. In this way,\" "the cylinder is visible with a robot camera. The position and color of the\" "LEDs is specified with the following syntax:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< cylinder id=\cyl1\ radius=\0.8\ height=\0.5\\" " movable=\true\ mass=\2.5>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< leds medium=\id_of_led_medium\>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15, 0.15, 0.15\ anchor=\origin\ color=\white\/>\" "< led offset=\-0.15, 0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\red\/>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15, 0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\blue\/>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15,-0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\green\/>\" "</leds >\" "</cylinder >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "In the example, four LEDs are added around the cylinder. The LEDs have\" "different colors and are located around the cylinder. The LEDs are\" "managed by the LED medium declared in the< media > section of the\" "configuration file with id \id_of_led_medium\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationAddEntity, CSpaceOperationAddCDirectionalLEDEntity, CDirectionalLEDEntity) | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationRemoveEntity, CSpaceOperationRemoveCDirectionalLEDEntity, CDirectionalLEDEntity) | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationAddEntity, CSpaceOperationAddCLEDEntity, CLEDEntity) | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationRemoveEntity, CSpaceOperationRemoveCLEDEntity, CLEDEntity) | |
REGISTER_ENTITY (CLightEntity, "light", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A colored light.", "The light entity is an entity that emits a light detectable by a robot camera\ "(as a normal LED) or by light sensors. A light is bodyless, therefore it must\" "not be added to physics engines.\" "A light is characterized by a color and an intensity. The color of the light\" "is perceived by cameras. The intensity modifies the reading of the light\" "sensors. The higher the intensity, the closer the light is perceived.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< light id=\light0\\" " position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\\" " orientation=\0, 0, 0\\" " color=\yellow\\" " intensity=\1.0\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\" "The 'position' attribute specifies the position of the center of the light.\" "The attribute values are in the X, Y, Z order.\" "The 'orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the light. At the\" "moment this attribute is mandatory but its value is ignored. In the future,\" "it will be used to implement a directional light.\" "The 'color' attribute specifies the color of the light.\" "The 'intensity' attribute sets the intensity of the light. When the value is\" "1.0, the light emits a normal amount of light. When it is 0.5 the amount of\" "light is half, and when the value is 2.0 the emission is doubled. The\" "intensity of the light affects the readings of the light sensors but not\" "those of the cameras.\" "The 'medium' attribute is used to add the light the corresponding LED medium.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationAddEntity, CSpaceOperationAddCRABEquippedEntity, CRABEquippedEntity) | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationRemoveEntity, CSpaceOperationRemoveCRABEquippedEntity, CRABEquippedEntity) | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationAddEntity, CSpaceOperationAddCRadioEntity, CRadioEntity) | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationRemoveEntity, CSpaceOperationRemoveCRadioEntity, CRadioEntity) | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationAddEntity, CSpaceOperationAddCTagEntity, CTagEntity) | |
REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION (CSpaceOperationRemoveEntity, CSpaceOperationRemoveCTagEntity, CTagEntity) | |
REGISTER_MEDIUM (CDirectionalLEDMedium, "directional_led", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "Manages directional LED entities.", "This medium is required to manage the directional LED entities, so that\ "the associated camera sensors can find them. If you use a camera sensor,\" "you must add this medium the sensors XML configuration.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< directional_led id=\led\/>\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_MEDIUM (CLEDMedium, "led", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "Manages the LEDs.", "This medium is required to manage the LED entities, thus allowing the\ "associated camera sensors to work properly. If you intend to use a camera\" "sensor that detects colored blobs, you must add this medium to the XML\" "configuration file.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< led id=\led\/>\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_MEDIUM (CRABMedium, "range_and_bearing", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "It simulates the communication across range-and-bearing-equipped robots.", "This medium is required to simulate communication across range-and-bearing-\ "equipped robots. You need to add it to the< media > section every time you add\" "a range-and-bearing-equipped entity whose controller has a range-and-bearing\" "device activated.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< range_and_bearing id=\rab\/>\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "By default, the RAB medium requires two robots to be in direct line-of-sight in\" "order to be able to exchange messages. You can toggle this behavior on or off\" "through the 'check_occlusions' attribute:\\" "< range_and_bearing id=\rab\ check_occlusions=\false\/>\\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_MEDIUM (CRadioMedium, "radio", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "Enables communication between a radio actuator and radio sensor.", "This medium indexes the radio entities in the space and allows\ "transmitting radios to find nearby receiving radios.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< radio id=\radios\/>\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_MEDIUM (CTagMedium, "tag", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "Manages tag entities.", "This medium is required to manage the tag entities, so that the\ "associated camera sensors can find them. If you use a camera sensor, you\" "must add this medium the sensors XML configuration.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< tag id=\qrcodes\/>\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_PHYSICS_ENGINE (CDynamics2DEngine, "dynamics2d", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A 2D dynamics physics engine.", "This physics engine is a 2D dynamics engine based on the Chipmunk library\ "( version 6.0.1.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics2d id=\dyn2d\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the physics engines.\" "It is used in the subsequent section< arena_physics > to assign entities to\" "physics engines. If two engines share the same id, initialization aborts.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to set how many iterations this physics engine performs between\" "each simulation step. By default, this physics engine performs 10 steps every\" "two simulation steps. This means that, if the simulation step is 100ms, the\" "physics engine step is, by default, 10ms. Sometimes, collisions and joints are\" "not simulated with sufficient precision using these parameters. By increasing\" "the number of iterations, the temporal granularity of the solver increases and\" "with it its accuracy, at the cost of higher computational cost. To change the\" "number of iterations per simulation step use this syntax:\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics2d id=\dyn2d\\" " iterations=\20\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "The plane of the physics engine can be translated on the Z axis, to simulate\" "for example hovering objects, such as flying robots. To translate the plane\" "2m up the Z axis, use the 'elevation' attribute as follows:\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics2d id=\dyn2d\\" " elevation=\2.0\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "When not specified, the elevation is zero, which means that the plane\" "corresponds to the XY plane.\\" "The friction parameters between the ground and movable boxes and cylinders can\" "be overridden. You can set both the linear and angular friction parameters.\" "The default value is 1.49 for each of them. To override the values, use this\" "syntax(all attributes are optional):\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics2d id=\dyn2d\\" "< friction box_linear_friction=\1.0\\" " box_angular_friction=\2.0\\" " cylinder_linear_friction=\3.0\\" " cylinder_angular_friction=\4.0\/>\" "</dynamics2d >\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "For the the robots that use velocity-based control, such as ground robots with\" "the differential_steering actuator(e.g. the foot-bot and the e-puck), it is\" "possible to customize robot-specific attributes that set the maximum force and\" "torque the robot has. The syntax is as follows, taking a foot-bot as example:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "<!-- Specify new value for max_force and max_torque -->\" "< dynamics2d >\" "< differential_steering max_force=\0.1\ max_torque=\0.1\/>\" "</dynamics2d >\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The attributes 'max_force' and 'max_torque' are both optional, and they take the\" "robot-specific default if not set. Check the code of the dynamics2d model of the\" "robot you 're using to know the default values.\\" "By default, this engine uses the bounding-box tree method for collision shape\" "indexing. This method is the default in Chipmunk and it works well most of the\" "times. However, if you are running simulations with hundreds or thousands of\" "identical robots, a different shape collision indexing is available:the spatial\" "hash. The spatial hash is a grid stored in a hashmap. To get the max out of this\" "indexing method, you must set two parameters:the cell size and the suggested\" "minimum number of cells in the space. According to the documentation of\" "Chipmunk, the cell size should correspond to the size of the bounding box of the\" "most common object in the simulation;the minimum number of cells should be at\" "least 10x the number of objects managed by the physics engine. To use this\" "indexing method, use this syntax(all attributes are mandatory):\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics2d id=\dyn2d\\" "< spatial_hash cell_size=\1.0\\" " cell_num=\2.0\/>\" "</dynamics2d >\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\", "Usable") | |
int | BeginCollisionBetweenGripperAndGrippable (cpArbiter *pt_arb, cpSpace *pt_space, void *p_data) |
int | ManageCollisionBetweenGripperAndGrippable (cpArbiter *pt_arb, cpSpace *pt_space, void *p_data) |
void | AddConstraintBetweenGripperAndGrippable (cpSpace *pt_space, void *p_obj, void *p_data) |
void | RemoveConstraintBetweenGripperAndGrippable (cpSpace *pt_space, void *p_obj, void *p_data) |
REGISTER_PHYSICS_ENGINE (CDynamics3DEngine, "dynamics3d", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "A 3D dynamics physics engine", "This physics engine is a 3D dynamics engine based on the Bullet Physics SDK\ "(\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics3d id=\dyn3d\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the physics engines.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to change the default friction used in the simulation from\" "its initial value of 1.0 using the default_friction attribute as shown\" "below. For debugging purposes, it is also possible to provide a filename\" "via the debug_file attribute which will cause the Bullet world to be\" "serialized and written out to a file at the end of each step. This file\" "can then be opened using the Bullet example browser and can provide useful\" "insights into the stability of a simulation.\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics3d id=\dyn3d\\" " default_friction=\1.0\\" " debug_file=\dynamics3d.bullet\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "The physics engine supports a number of plugins that add features to the\" "simulation. In the example below, a floor plane has been added which has a\" "height of 1 cm and the dimensions of the floor as specified by the arena\" "node. It is possible to change the coefficient of friction of the floor\" "using the friction attribute. This will override the default friction used\" "by the physics engine. By default, there will be no gravity in the\" "simulation. This can be changed by adding a gravity node with a single\" "attribute 'g' which is the downwards acceleration caused by gravity.\" "Finally, there is a magnetism plugin. This plugin applies forces and\" "torques to bodies in the simulation that contains magnetic dipoles. The\" " 'max_distance' attribute is an optional optimization that sets the maximum\" "distance at which two magnetic dipoles will interact with each other. In\" "the example below, this distance has been set to 4 cm.\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics3d id=\dyn3d\ default_friction=\2.0>\" "< floor height=\0.01\ friction=\0.05\/>\" "< gravity g=\10\/>\" "< magnetism max_distance=\0.04\/>\" "</dynamics3d >\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_DYNAMICS3D_PLUGIN (CDynamics3DFloorPlugin, "floor", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "Inserts a floor into the 3D dynamics engine", "For a description on how to use this plugin, please consult the documentation\ "for the dynamics3d physics engine plugin", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_DYNAMICS3D_PLUGIN (CDynamics3DGravityPlugin, "gravity", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "Applies a gravity force to all bodies in the simulation", "For a description on how to use this plugin, please consult the documentation\ "for the dynamics3d physics engine plugin", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_DYNAMICS3D_PLUGIN (CDynamics3DMagnetismPlugin, "magnetism", "Michael Allwright []", "1.0", "Applies forces and torques between magnetic dipoles in the simulation", "For a description on how to use this plugin, please consult the documentation\ "for the dynamics3d physics engine plugin", "Usable") | |
REGISTER_PHYSICS_ENGINE (CPointMass3DEngine, "pointmass3d", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "A 3D point-mass physics engine.", "This physics engine is a 3D point-mass engine.\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\" " <physics_engines>\ " ...\" "< pointmass3d id=\pm3d\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the physics engines.\" "If two engines share the same id, initialization aborts.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\\", "Under development") | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawBoxNormal, CBoxEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawBoxSelected, CBoxEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawCylinderNormal, CCylinderEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawCylinderSelected, CCylinderEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawLightNormal, CLightEntity) | |
REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION (CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected, CQTOpenGLOperationDrawLightSelected, CLightEntity) | |
bool | ItemLessThan (const CQTOpenGLLuaStateTreeItem *pc_i1, const CQTOpenGLLuaStateTreeItem *pc_i2) |
REGISTER_VISUALIZATION (CQTOpenGLRender, "qt-opengl", "Carlo Pinciroli []", "1.0", "An interactive graphical renderer based on QT and OpenGL.", "The QT-OpenGL renderer is a graphical renderer based on QT >= 4.5 and OpenGL.\ "It allows the user to watch and modify the simulation as it 's running in an\" "intuitive way.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl/>\" "</visualization >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "You can auto-play the simulation at startup by specifying the 'autoplay'\" "attribute as follows:\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl autoplay=\true\/>\" "</visualization >\\" "It is also possible to set some camera parameters. There are 10 available\" "cameras to use. You can switch from one to the other by clicking on the\" "graphical view(to give it focus) and then pressing the keys 0-9.\" "To configure position and orientation of specific cameras, say cameras 0 to 3,\" "you have to include the following XML code:\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl >\" "< camera >\" "< placement idx=\0\ position=\2, 2, 2\ look_at=\1, 1, 1\/>\" "< placement idx=\1\ position=\1, 0, 7\ look_at=\1, 0, 0\/>\" "< placement idx=\2\ position=\3, 3, 4\ look_at=\1, 6, 0\/>\" "< placement idx=\3\ position=\2, 3, 2\ look_at=\0, 1, 0\/>\" "</camera >\" "</qt-opengl >\" "</visualization >\\" "The 'idx' attribute specifies the camera index(and the key to press to switch\" "to that camera).\" "The 'position' attribute contains the position of the camera in the arena.\" "The 'look_at' attribute sets the point the camera is looking at.\" "Sometimes, specifying a camera positioning with only 'position' and 'look_at'\" "generates ambiguous configurations, which ARGoS resolves in a default way after\" "printing a warning message. To place the camera without ambiguities, specify\" "also the 'up' vector of the camera. If the camera is your head, imagine this\" "vector as an arrow that stems from the center of your head and extends upwards\." "The 'up' vector must be perpendicular to the difference between the 'look_at'\" "and the 'position' vectors." "You can set some optical parameters of real cameras, namely the focal length\" "and the length of the frame diagonal. For example:\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl >\" "< camera >\" " ...\" "< placement idx=\4\\" " position=\4, 1, 4\\" " look_at=\2, 1, 0\\" " lens_focal_length=\50\\" " frame_diagonal=\40\/>\" " ...\" "</camera >\" "</qt-opengl >\" "</visualization >\\" "The 'lens_focal_length' attribute controls the focal length of the lens of the\" "simulated camera. The value is in millimeters and it defaults, if not set in\" "XML, to 20mm.\" "The 'frame_diagonal' attribute specifies the length of the frame diagonal of\" "the image film. The value is in millimeters and it defaults, if not set in\" "XML, to 35mm.\" "This visualization also allows for user customization. In a similar fashion to\" "the loop functions, you can set a plug-in that derives from the\" "CQTOpenGLUserFunctions class. To load it in the system, follow this example:\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl >\" "< user_functions library=\/path/to/\\" " label=\my_user_functions\/>\" "</qt-opengl >\" "</visualization >\\" "The 'library' attribute points to the library where the user functions are\" "stored. This library can be the same as the loop functions, or a new one.\" "There is no limitation to where the code is to be found.\" "The 'label' attribute identifies the user function class to use. In this way,\" "in a single library you can have multiple user function implementations, if\" "you wish.\" "You can also grab frames and store them into image files, for example to create\" "videos in a fast way. To do it, you just need to press the red capture button\" "and frame grabbing will be on. By default, the frames are named\" " 'frame_NNNNN.png' and are stored in the current directory, i.e. the directory\" "where you run the 'argos' command. If you want to override this behavior, you\" "can add the optional 'frame_grabbing' section as follows:\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl >\" "< frame_grabbing directory=\frames\\" " base_name=\myframe_\\" " format=\png\\" " quality=\100\/>\" "</qt-opengl >\" "</visualization >\\" "All the attributes in this section are optional. If you don 't specify one of\" "them, the default is taken.\" "The 'directory' attribute stores the directory where the frames are saved. If\" "the directory does not exist, a fatal error occurs. The directory must exist\" "and be writable. Both absolute and relative paths are allowed. The default\" "value is '.'\" "The 'base_name' attribute is the string to prepend to the file name. After this\" "string, the frame number(padded to 5 digits) is added. The default value is\" " 'frame_', so a typical resulting name is 'frame_00165'.\" "The 'format' attribute specifies the format. The default value is 'png' but you\" "can put any format supported by Qt >=4.5. Refer to the Qt documentation for the\" "complete list of supported formats.\" "The 'quality' attribute dictates the quality of the image. Its value is in the\" "range [0:100] where 0 means maximum compression and minimum quality, and 100\" "means maximum quality and no compression at all. The default value is '-1',\" "which means to use Qt 's default quality. For videos, it 's best to use 100 to\" "avoid artifacts due to compression. For a normal screenshot, the default is the\" "safest choice.\", "Usable") | |
Variables | |
size_t | DEBUG_INDENTATION = 0 |
CRange< CRadians > | APERTURE_RANGE (CCI_FootBotGripperActuator::LOCKED_NEGATIVE, CCI_FootBotGripperActuator::LOCKED_POSITIVE) |
const Real | RPM_TO_RADIANS_PER_SEC = ARGOS_PI / 30.0f |
CRange< CRadians > | INCLINATION_RANGE (CRadians(0), CRadians(ARGOS_PI)) |
const GLfloat | BODY_COLOR [] = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f } |
const GLfloat | SPECULAR [] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } |
const GLfloat | SHININESS [] = { 0.0f } |
const GLfloat | EMISSION [] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } |
const GLfloat | MOVABLE_COLOR [] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } |
const GLfloat | NONMOVABLE_COLOR [] = { 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f } |
const GLfloat | DEFAULT_SPECULAR [] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } |
const GLfloat | DEFAULT_SHININESS [] = { 100.0f } |
const GLfloat | DEFAULT_EMISSION [] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } |
The namespace containing all the ARGoS related code.
The namespace containing all the ARGoS-related code.
typedef ticpp::Iterator<ticpp::Attribute> argos::TConfigurationAttributeIterator |
The iterator for the attributes of an XML node.
Definition at line 31 of file argos_configuration.h.
typedef ticpp::Element argos::TConfigurationNode |
The ARGoS configuration XML node.
Definition at line 27 of file argos_configuration.h.
typedef ticpp::Iterator<ticpp::Element> argos::TConfigurationNodeIterator |
The iterator for the ARGoS configuration XML node.
Definition at line 29 of file argos_configuration.h.
typedef std::vector<SEmbodiedEntityIntersectionItem> argos::TEmbodiedEntityIntersectionData |
Definition at line 54 of file physics_engine.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, CEmbodiedEntity*> argos::TEmbodiedEntityMap |
Definition at line 347 of file embodied_entity.h.
typedef CSet<CEmbodiedEntity*> argos::TEmbodiedEntitySet |
Definition at line 348 of file embodied_entity.h.
typedef std::vector<CEmbodiedEntity*> argos::TEmbodiedEntityVector |
Definition at line 346 of file embodied_entity.h.
For dynamic loading of battery discharge models.
Definition at line 131 of file battery_equipped_entity.h.
typedef std::vector<SQueryResultItem> argos::TQueryResult |
Definition at line 44 of file query_plugins.h.
The possible attributes of the logged text.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 22 of file argos_colored_text.h.
The possible colors of the logged text.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 35 of file argos_colored_text.h.
enum argos::EPUCK_WHEELS |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 25 of file dynamics2d_epuck_model.cpp.
enum argos::EPUCK_WHEELS |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 29 of file physx_epuck_model.cpp.
enum argos::ETurretModes |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 33 of file dynamics2d_footbot_model.cpp.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 16 of file pointmass3d_footbot_model.cpp.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 28 of file dynamics2d_footbot_model.cpp.
T argos::Abs | ( | const T & | t_v | ) |
inline |
Adds an XML node as child of another XML node.
The node is added at the end of the children of the parent node.
t_parent_node | the parent node |
t_child_node | the child node to add to the parent |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred |
Definition at line 88 of file argos_configuration.h.
void argos::AddConstraintBetweenGripperAndGrippable | ( | cpSpace * | pt_space, |
void * | p_obj, | ||
void * | p_data | ||
) |
Definition at line 199 of file dynamics2d_gripping.cpp.
T* argos::any_cast | ( | CAny * | pc_any | ) |
const T* argos::any_cast | ( | const CAny * | pc_any | ) |
const T& argos::any_cast | ( | const CAny & | c_any | ) |
T& argos::any_cast | ( | CAny & | c_any | ) |
int argos::BeginCollisionBetweenGripperAndGrippable | ( | cpArbiter * | pt_arb, |
cpSpace * | pt_space, | ||
void * | p_data | ||
) |
Definition at line 143 of file dynamics2d_gripping.cpp.
CRange<size_t> argos::CalculatePluginRangeForThread | ( | size_t | un_id, |
size_t | un_tot_plugins | ||
) |
Definition at line 242 of file space_multi_thread_balance_quantity.cpp.
RETURN_VALUE argos::CallEntityOperation | ( | PLUGIN & | t_plugin, |
CEntity & | c_entity | ||
) |
RealNumberGenerator* argos::CreateGenerator | ( | TConfigurationNode & | t_tree | ) |
RED | |||
) |
Bright red text modifier.
argos::DEFINE_ARGOS_STREAM_COLOR_HELPER | ( | green | , |
GREEN | |||
) |
Bright green text modifier.
argos::DEFINE_ARGOS_STREAM_COLOR_HELPER | ( | yellow | , |
YELLOW | |||
) |
Bright yellow text modifier.
argos::DEFINE_ARGOS_STREAM_COLOR_HELPER | ( | blue | , |
BLUE | |||
) |
Bright blue text modifier.
argos::DEFINE_ARGOS_STREAM_COLOR_HELPER | ( | magenta | , |
) |
Bright magenta text modifier.
argos::DEFINE_ARGOS_STREAM_COLOR_HELPER | ( | cyan | , |
CYAN | |||
) |
Bright cyan text modifier.
argos::DEFINE_ARGOS_STREAM_COLOR_HELPER | ( | white | , |
WHITE | |||
) |
Bright white text modifier.
Tests whether a floating-point value is lower than another.
This method is like DoubleEqAbsolute(), but with f_epsilon = 0.0001
f_value1 | the first value to test |
f_value2 | the second value to test |
if f_value1
< f_value2
, false otherwise. Tests whether a floating-point value is lower than another.
This function perform the following test:
Abs(f_value1 - f_value2) --------------------------------------------- <= f_epsilon Max (1.0f, Max(Abs(f_value1), Abs(f_value2)))
f_value1 | the first value to test |
f_value2 | the second value to test |
f_epsilon | the tolerance of the test |
if f_value1
< f_value2
, false otherwise. void argos::DumpResourceUsageAsTableRow | ( | std::ostream & | c_os, |
const ::rusage & | t_resources | ||
) |
Definition at line 63 of file profiler.cpp.
void argos::DumpResourceUsageHumanReadable | ( | std::ostream & | c_os, |
const ::rusage & | t_resources | ||
) |
Definition at line 37 of file profiler.cpp.
void argos::Erase | ( | std::vector< std::vector< CConvexHull::TEdge > > & | vec_edges, |
const std::array< UInt32, 3 > & | arr_vertices | ||
) |
Definition at line 36 of file convex_hull.cpp.
std::string & argos::ExpandEnvVariables | ( | std::string & | str_buffer | ) |
Searches into str_buffer for occurrences of an environment variable of the form $VAR and substitutes them with the value of the variable.
str_buffer | the string to modify. |
Definition at line 127 of file string_utilities.cpp.
T argos::FromString | ( | const std::string & | str_value | ) |
Converts the given std::string
parameter to the wanted type.
Example of use:
std::string strToBeConverted("36"); UInt32 unConverted = FromString(strToBeConverted);
Internally uses an std::ostringstream
. If you want to use it with a custom type, you must define its std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, type)
T | the type of the target parameter. |
str_value | the string to convert. |
Definition at line 59 of file string_utilities.h.
bool argos::GetClosestEmbodiedEntityIntersectedByRay | ( | SEmbodiedEntityIntersectionItem & | s_item, |
const CRay3 & | c_ray | ||
) |
Returns the closest intersection with an embodied entity to the ray start.
t_data | The data of the intersection, if any. |
c_ray | The ray to test for intersections. |
if an intersection is found Definition at line 41 of file physics_engine.cpp.
bool argos::GetClosestEmbodiedEntityIntersectedByRay | ( | SEmbodiedEntityIntersectionItem & | s_item, |
const CRay3 & | c_ray, | ||
CEmbodiedEntity & | c_entity | ||
) |
Returns the closest intersection with an embodied entity to the ray start.
This function allows you to exclude one entity from the list of intersections.
t_data | The data of the intersection, if any. |
c_ray | The ray to test for intersections. |
c_entity | The entity to exclude from the intersection check. |
if an intersection is found Definition at line 61 of file physics_engine.cpp.
bool argos::GetEmbodiedEntitiesIntersectedByRay | ( | TEmbodiedEntityIntersectionData & | t_data, |
const CRay3 & | c_ray | ||
) |
Checks whether the given ray intersects any entity.
The t_data parameter is cleared.
t_data | The list of intersections found. |
c_ray | The ray to test for intersections. |
if at least one intersection is found Definition at line 21 of file physics_engine.cpp.
inline |
Given a tree root node, returns the first of its child nodes with the wanted name.
Given an XML tree, this function checks for the existence of a first-level node in this tree (i.e., a direct child of the root node) with the given name.
t_node | the root node of the XML tree |
str_tag | the name of the wanted child node |
CARGoSException | if no child node with the wanted name exists |
Definition at line 63 of file argos_configuration.h.
void argos::GetNodeAttribute | ( | TConfigurationNode & | t_node, |
const std::string & | str_attribute, | ||
T & | t_buffer | ||
) |
Returns the value of a node's attribute.
XML nodes can have attributes: <mynode attribute1="this is a string attribute" attribute2="-87" attribute3="-0.5, 12.3, 4">
This function is templetized. This means that you can pass any variable type to this function and parsing will occur automatically. For instance: std::string strValue; GetNodeAttribute(tMyNode, "attribute1", strValue); // tMyNode points to <mynode> // strValue now is "this is a string attribute" SInt32 nValue; GetNodeAttribute(tMyNode, "attribute2", nValue); // tMyNode points to <mynode> // nValue now is -87 CVector3 cValue; GetNodeAttribute(tMyNode, "attribute3", cValue); // tMyNode points to <mynode> // cValue now is CVector3(-0.5, 12.3, 4)
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
t_buffer | a buffer where the value must be stored |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred (i.e., parse error) or the attribute does not exist |
Definition at line 208 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Returns the value of a node's attribute.
This function is an overloaded version of the templetized GetNodeAttribute() in which the buffer is a boolean.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
b_buffer | a buffer where the value must be stored |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred (i.e., parse error) or the attribute does not exist |
Definition at line 231 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Returns the value of a node's attribute.
This function is an overloaded version of the templetized GetNodeAttribute() in which the buffer is a UInt8.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
un_buffer | a buffer where the value must be stored |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred (i.e., parse error) or the attribute does not exist |
Definition at line 264 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Returns the value of a node's attribute.
This function is an overloaded version of the templetized GetNodeAttribute() in which the buffer is a SInt8.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
n_buffer | a buffer where the value must be stored |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred (i.e., parse error) or the attribute does not exist |
Definition at line 289 of file argos_configuration.h.
void argos::GetNodeAttributeOrDefault | ( | TConfigurationNode & | t_node, |
const std::string & | str_attribute, | ||
T & | t_buffer, | ||
const T & | t_default | ||
) |
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value.
This function works like GetNodeAttribute(). The only difference is that if the wanted attribute does not exist, the passed default is stored in the buffer instead. stored in the buffer variable instead.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
t_buffer | a buffer where the value must be stored |
t_default | a default value to be used if the attribute does not exist |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred (i.e., parse error) |
Definition at line 318 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value.
This function is an overloaded version of the templetized GetNodeAttributeOrDefault() in which the buffer is a boolean. stored in the buffer variable instead.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
b_buffer | a buffer where the value must be stored |
b_default | a default value to be used if the attribute does not exist |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred (i.e., parse error) |
Definition at line 344 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value.
This function is an overloaded version of the templetized GetNodeAttributeOrDefault() in which the buffer is a UInt8. stored in the buffer variable instead.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
un_buffer | a buffer where the value must be stored |
un_default | a default value to be used if the attribute does not exist |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred (i.e., parse error) |
Definition at line 381 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value.
This function is an overloaded version of the templetized GetNodeAttributeOrDefault() in which the buffer is a SInt8. stored in the buffer variable instead.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
n_buffer | a buffer where the value must be stored |
n_default | a default value to be used if the attribute does not exist |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred (i.e., parse error) |
Definition at line 409 of file argos_configuration.h.
void argos::GetNodeText | ( | TConfigurationNode & | t_node, |
T & | t_buffer | ||
) |
Returns the text of the passed XML node A node text is as follows:
<mynode1>this is the text</mynode1> <mynode2>25</mynode2> <mynode3>3.14, 5.87</mynode3>
This function is templetized. This means that you can pass any variable type to this function and parsing will occur automatically. For instance:
std::string strText; GetNodeText(tMyNode1, strText); // tMyNode1 points to <mynode1> // strText now is "this is the text" UInt32 unText; GetNodeText(tMyNode2, unText); // tMyNode2 points to <mynode2> // unText now is 25 CVector2 cText; GetNodeText(tMyNode3, cText); // tMyNode3 points to <mynode3> // cText now is CVector2(3.14, 5.87)
t_node | the node |
t_buffer | a buffer where the text must be stored |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred (i.e., parse error) or the node has no text value |
Definition at line 128 of file argos_configuration.h.
void argos::GetNodeTextOrDefault | ( | TConfigurationNode & | t_node, |
T & | t_buffer, | ||
const T & | t_default | ||
) |
Returns the text of the passed XML node, or the passed default value.
This function works like GetNodeText(). The only difference is that if no text value is found, the passed default is stored in the buffer variable instead.
t_node | the node |
t_buffer | a buffer where the text must be stored |
t_default | a default value to be used if the node has no text |
CARGoSException | if an error occurred (i.e., parse error) |
Definition at line 152 of file argos_configuration.h.
size_t argos::GetTag | ( | ) |
CVTable<CONTEXT, BASE, FUNCTION>& argos::GetVTable | ( | ) |
argos::INIT_VTABLE_FOR | ( | CEntity | ) |
void argos::Insert | ( | std::vector< std::vector< CConvexHull::TEdge > > & | vec_edges, |
const std::array< UInt32, 3 > & | arr_vertices | ||
) |
Definition at line 16 of file convex_hull.cpp.
bool argos::ItemLessThan | ( | const CQTOpenGLLuaStateTreeItem * | pc_i1, |
const CQTOpenGLLuaStateTreeItem * | pc_i2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 71 of file qtopengl_lua_statetree_item.cpp.
void* argos::LaunchThreadBalanceLength | ( | void * | p_data | ) |
Definition at line 38 of file space_multi_thread_balance_length.cpp.
void* argos::LaunchUpdateThreadBalanceQuantity | ( | void * | p_data | ) |
Definition at line 38 of file space_multi_thread_balance_quantity.cpp.
int argos::LuaRNGBernoulli | ( | lua_State * | pt_state | ) |
Definition at line 27 of file lua_utility.cpp.
int argos::LuaRNGExponential | ( | lua_State * | pt_state | ) |
Definition at line 119 of file lua_utility.cpp.
int argos::LuaRNGGaussian | ( | lua_State * | pt_state | ) |
Definition at line 134 of file lua_utility.cpp.
int argos::LuaRNGUniform | ( | lua_State * | pt_state | ) |
Definition at line 52 of file lua_utility.cpp.
int argos::LuaRNGUniformInt | ( | lua_State * | pt_state | ) |
Definition at line 88 of file lua_utility.cpp.
int argos::ManageCollisionBetweenGripperAndGrippable | ( | cpArbiter * | pt_arb, |
cpSpace * | pt_space, | ||
void * | p_data | ||
) |
Definition at line 159 of file dynamics2d_gripping.cpp.
bool argos::MatchPattern | ( | const std::string & | str_input, |
const std::string & | str_pattern | ||
) |
Returns true
if str_pattern is matched by str_input.
Internally uses the C function regcomp()
str_input | the input string to analyze. |
str_pattern | the extended regular expression to match. |
if str_pattern is matched by str_input. Definition at line 106 of file string_utilities.cpp.
T argos::Max | ( | const T & | t_v1, |
const T & | t_v2 | ||
) |
T& argos::Max | ( | T & | t_v1, |
T & | t_v2 | ||
) |
T argos::Min | ( | const T & | t_v1, |
const T & | t_v2 | ||
) |
T& argos::Min | ( | T & | t_v1, |
T & | t_v2 | ||
) |
inline |
Returns true
if the specified attribute of a node exists.
t_node | the node whose attribute we want to search for |
str_attribute | the name of the attribute to search for |
if the attribute exists, false
otherwise Definition at line 172 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Given a tree root node, returns true
if one of its child nodes has the wanted name.
Given an XML tree, this function checks for the existence of a first-level node in this tree (i.e., a direct child of the root node) with the given name.
t_node | the root node of the XML tree |
str_tag | the name of the wanted child node |
when the node exists, false
otherwise Definition at line 44 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Calculates the normalized difference between the given angles.
The difference is calculated as c_angle1 - c_angle2 and normalized in the range [-pi,pi].
c_angle1 | The first angle |
c_angle2 | The second angle |
inline |
Calculates the normalized difference between the given angles.
The difference is calculated as c_angle1 - c_angle2 and normalized in the range [-180,180].
c_angle1 | The first angle |
c_angle2 | The second angle |
::rusage argos::operator- | ( | const ::rusage & | t_resource1, |
const ::rusage & | t_resource2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 89 of file profiler.cpp.
std::ostream & argos::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | c_os, |
const CCI_FootBotMotorGroundSensor::SReading & | s_reading | ||
) |
Definition at line 38 of file ci_footbot_motor_ground_sensor.cpp.
std::ostream & argos::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | c_os, |
const CCI_FootBotBaseGroundSensor::SReading & | s_reading | ||
) |
Definition at line 67 of file ci_footbot_base_ground_sensor.cpp.
std::ostream & argos::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | c_os, |
const CCI_FootBotLightSensor::SReading & | s_reading | ||
) |
Definition at line 76 of file ci_footbot_light_sensor.cpp.
std::ostream & argos::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | c_os, |
const CCI_EyeBotLightSensor::SReading & | s_reading | ||
) |
Definition at line 76 of file ci_eyebot_light_sensor.cpp.
std::ostream & argos::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | c_os, |
const CCI_FootBotProximitySensor::SReading & | s_reading | ||
) |
Definition at line 77 of file ci_footbot_proximity_sensor.cpp.
std::ostream & argos::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | c_os, |
const CCI_EyeBotProximitySensor::SReading & | s_reading | ||
) |
Definition at line 77 of file ci_eyebot_proximity_sensor.cpp.
inline |
Stream operator that accepts the stream modifier.
Definition at line 78 of file argos_colored_text.h.
std::ostream & argos::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | c_os, |
const CCI_EyeBotLightSensor::TReadings & | t_readings | ||
) |
Definition at line 86 of file ci_eyebot_light_sensor.cpp.
std::ostream& argos::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | c_os, |
const CByteArray & | c_byte_array | ||
) |
It streams the byte array through the given stream. Useful for files, for instance.
c_os | the C++ output stream the byte array to. |
c_byte_array | the byte array to stream. |
Definition at line 530 of file byte_array.cpp.
bool argos::operator== | ( | const SAnchor * | ps_anchor, |
const std::string & | str_id | ||
) |
Returns true
if the anchor id matches the given id.
This method makes it easier to run functions such as std::find().
ps_anchor | A pointer to the anchor. |
str_id | The id to compare. |
if the anchor id matches the given id. Definition at line 448 of file embodied_entity.cpp.
void argos::ParseValues | ( | std::istream & | str_input, |
UInt32 | un_num_fields, | ||
T * | pt_field_buffer, | ||
const char | ch_delimiter = '\n' |
) |
Definition at line 70 of file string_utilities.h.
void argos::ParseValues | ( | const std::string & | str_input, |
const UInt32 | un_num_fields, | ||
T * | pt_field_buffer, | ||
const char | ch_delimiter = '\n' |
) |
Definition at line 96 of file string_utilities.h.
Definition at line 192 of file lua_utility.cpp.
void argos::QueryPlugins | ( | const std::string & | str_query | ) |
Definition at line 52 of file query_plugins.cpp.
void argos::QuerySearchPlugins | ( | const std::string & | str_query, |
TQueryResult & | t_result | ||
) |
Definition at line 60 of file query_plugins.h.
void argos::QueryShowList | ( | const std::string & | str_header | ) |
Definition at line 84 of file query_plugins.h.
void argos::QueryShowPluginDescription | ( | const std::string & | str_query | ) |
Definition at line 19 of file query_plugins.cpp.
void argos::RecursivePrintGlobals | ( | CARGoSLog & | c_log, |
lua_State * | pt_state, | ||
size_t | un_depth | ||
) |
Definition at line 204 of file lua_utility.cpp.
argos::REGISTER_ACTUATOR | ( | CRangeAndBearingDefaultActuator | , |
"range_and_bearing" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The range and bearing actuator." | , | ||
"This actuator allows robots to perform situated | communication, | ||
i. | e., | ||
a form of\ "wireless communication whereby the receiver also knows the location of the\"sender with respect to its own frame of reference.\" "This actuator allows a robot to send messages. To receive | messages, | ||
you need\" "the range-and-bearing sensor.\" "To use this | actuator, | ||
in controllers you must include the\" "ci_range_and_bearing_actuator.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< range_and_bearing implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ACTUATOR | ( | CDirectionalLEDsDefaultActuator | , |
"directional_leds" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The directional LEDs actuator." | , | ||
"This actuator controls a group of directional LEDs. For a complete description\of its | usage, | ||
refer to the ci_leds_actuator.h file.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< leds implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute sets the id of the LED medium declared in the< media >\" "XML section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ACTUATOR | ( | CTagsDefaultActuator | , |
"tags" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The tags actuator." | , | ||
"This actuator controls the payloads of a group of tags. The idea" "is to represent an LCD screen that displays different tags. For a" "complete description of its | usage, | ||
refer to the ci_tags_actuator.h" " file.\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\" "< controllers >\ " ...\"< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< tags implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ACTUATOR | ( | CFootBotTurretDefaultActuator | , |
"footbot_turret" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The foot-bot turret actuator." | , | ||
"This actuator controls the foot-bot turret. For a complete\description of its | usage, | ||
refer to the ci_footbot_turret_actuator\" "file.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< footbot_turret implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ACTUATOR | ( | CMagnetsDefaultActuator | , |
"magnets" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The (electro)magnet actuator." | , | ||
"This actuator is used to modify the magnetic field of a magnet entity in the\simulation. A magnetic entity has a passive and an active field. The overall\ "field of a magnetic entity is calculated as:\\" " | field = passive_field+(current x active_field)\\" "This actuator allows you to set the current , |
a scalar multiplier of the active\" "field.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< magnets implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ACTUATOR | ( | CFootBotDistanceScannerDefaultActuator | , |
"footbot_distance_scanner" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The foot-bot distance scanner actuator." | , | ||
"This actuator controls the foot-bot distance scanner. For a complete\description of its | usage, | ||
refer to the ci_footbot_distance_scanner_actuator\" "file.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< footbot_distance_scanner implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ACTUATOR | ( | CPrototypeJointsDefaultActuator | , |
"joints" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The prototype joints actuator: controls a prototype entity's joints." | , | ||
"This actuator is used to control the joints inside a prototype entity. To\control a | joint, | ||
add a joint child node to the joints node. Each child node has\" "three | attributes, | ||
all of which are required.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< joints implementation=\default\>\" "< joint id=\joint0\ mode=\velocity\ max_impulse=\0.002f\/>\" "< joint id=\joint1\ mode=\position\ max_impulse=\0.005f\/>\" " ...\" "</joints >\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'id' attribute specifies which joint in the prototype joint equipped entity\" "we are interested in controlling. The 'mode' attribute has three options:\" " | disabled, | ||
position | , | ||
and velocity. The disabled mode is self-explanatory. The\" "position and velocity modes enable closed loop position control and closed loop\" "velocity control. The 'max_impulse' attribute defines the maximum impulse of\" "the actuator in kg m/s for prismatic joints and kg m^2/s for revolute joints.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None." | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ACTUATOR | ( | CRadiosDefaultActuator | , |
"radios" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic radio actuator to send messages to nearby radios." | , | ||
"This radio actuator implementation allows an arbitary number of messages\containing an arbitary number of bytes to be sent to nearby radios. The\ "implementation of this actuator is very basic and any concepts such as\" " | throughput, | ||
addressing | , | ||
or formatting of a message 's contents is beyond the\" "scope of this actuator 's implementation.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< actuators >\" " ...\" "< radios implementation=\default\ medium=\radios\/>\" " ...\" "</actuators >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute sets the id of the radio medium declared in the< media >\" "XML section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_BATTERY_DISCHARGE_MODEL | ( | CBatteryDischargeModelTime | , |
"time" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_BATTERY_DISCHARGE_MODEL | ( | CBatteryDischargeModelMotion | , |
"motion" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_BATTERY_DISCHARGE_MODEL | ( | CBatteryDischargeModelTimeMotion | , |
"time_motion" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_CAMERA_SENSOR_ALGORITHM | ( | CCameraSensorDirectionalLEDDetectorAlgorithm | , |
"directional_led_detector" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"This algorithm detects nearby LEDs seen by the camera and\returns the X and Y coordinates on the sensor" | , | ||
"This algorithm detects nearby LEDs seen by the camera and\"returns the X and Y coordinates on the sensor" | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_CAMERA_SENSOR_ALGORITHM | ( | CCameraSensorLEDDetectorAlgorithm | , |
"led_detector" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"This algorithm detects nearby LEDs seen by the camera and\returns the X and Y coordinates on the sensor" | , | ||
"This algorithm detects nearby LEDs seen by the camera and\"returns the X and Y coordinates on the sensor" | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_CAMERA_SENSOR_ALGORITHM | ( | CCameraSensorTagDetectorAlgorithm | , |
"tag_detector" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"This algorithm detects nearby tags seen by the camera and\returns the coordinates of their corners to the sensor" | , | ||
"This algorithm detects nearby tags seen by the camera and\"returns the coordinates of their corners to the sensor" | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_CONTROLLER | ( | CLuaController | , |
"lua_controller" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_DYNAMICS3D_PLUGIN | ( | CDynamics3DGravityPlugin | , |
"gravity" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"Applies a gravity force to all bodies in the simulation" | , | ||
"For a description on how to use this | plugin, | ||
please consult the documentation\ "for the dynamics3d physics engine plugin" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_DYNAMICS3D_PLUGIN | ( | CDynamics3DFloorPlugin | , |
"floor" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"Inserts a floor into the 3D dynamics engine" | , | ||
"For a description on how to use this | plugin, | ||
please consult the documentation\ "for the dynamics3d physics engine plugin" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_DYNAMICS3D_PLUGIN | ( | CDynamics3DMagnetismPlugin | , |
"magnetism" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"Applies forces and torques between magnetic dipoles in the simulation" | , | ||
"For a description on how to use this | plugin, | ||
please consult the documentation\ "for the dynamics3d physics engine plugin" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY | ( | CLightEntity | , |
"light" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A colored light." | , | ||
"The light entity is an entity that emits a light detectable by a robot camera\(as a normal LED) or by light sensors. A light is | bodyless, | ||
therefore it must\" "not be added to physics engines.\" "A light is characterized by a color and an intensity. The color of the light\" "is perceived by cameras. The intensity modifies the reading of the light\" "sensors. The higher the | intensity, | ||
the closer the light is perceived.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< light id=\light0\\" " position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\\" " orientation=\0, 0, 0\\" " color=\yellow\\" " intensity=\1.0\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\" "The 'position' attribute specifies the position of the center of the light.\" "The attribute values are in the | X, | ||
Y | , | ||
Z order.\" "The 'orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the light. At the\" "moment this attribute is mandatory but its value is ignored. In the | future, | ||
\" "it will be used to implement a directional light.\" "The 'color' attribute specifies the color of the light.\" "The 'intensity' attribute sets the intensity of the light. When the value is\" "1. | 0, | ||
the light emits a normal amount of light. When it is 0.5 the amount of\" "light is | half, | ||
and when the value is 2.0 the emission is doubled. The\" "intensity of the light affects the readings of the light sensors but not\" "those of the cameras.\" "The 'medium' attribute is used to add the light the corresponding LED medium.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY | ( | CMiniQuadrotorEntity | , |
"mini-quadrotor" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The mini-quadrotor | robot, | ||
developed at UPenn." | , | ||
"The mini-quadrotor is a fluing robot developed at UPenn by Vijay Kumar's group.\It is a very agile | robot, | ||
able to perform fast and precise movements.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< mini-quadrotor id=\mq0\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 2.0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</mini-quadrotor >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the bottom point of the\" "mini-quadrotor in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and | unrotated, | ||
the\" "bottom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\" "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\" " | axis, | ||
that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\" "are in the | X, | ||
Y | , | ||
Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the\" "mini-quadrotor. All rotations are performed with respect to the bottom point.\" "The order of the angles is | Z, | ||
Y | , | ||
X | , | ||
which means that the first number corresponds\" "to the rotation around the Z | axis, | ||
the second around Y and the last around X.\" "This reflects the internal convention used in | ARGoS, | ||
in which rotations are\" "performed in that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is\" " | unrotated, | ||
it is oriented along the X axis.\" "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\" "mini-quadrotor. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\" "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the< controllers > XML subtree.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\\" | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY | ( | CBoxEntity | , |
"box" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A stretchable 3D box." | , | ||
"The box entity can be used to model | walls, | ||
obstacles or box-shaped grippable\ "objects. It can be movable or not. A movable object can be pushed and gripped.\"An unmovable object is pretty much like a wall.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "To declare an unmovable object(i.e., a wall) you need the following:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< box id=\box1\ size=\0.75, 0.1, 0.5\ movable=\false\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "</box >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "To declare a movable object you need the following:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< box id=\box1\ size=\0.75, 0.1, 0.5\ movable=\true\ mass=\2.5>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "</box >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\" "The 'size' attribute specifies the size of the box along the three | axes, | ||
in\" "the | X, | ||
Y | , | ||
Z order. When you add a | box, | ||
imagine it initially unrotated and\" "centered in the origin. The | size, | ||
then | , | ||
corresponds to the extent along the | X, | ||
\" "Y and Z axes.\" "The 'movable' attribute specifies whether or not the object is movable. When\" "set to 'false' | , | ||
the object is unmovable:if another object pushes against | it, | ||
\" "the box won 't move. When the attribute is set to 'true' | , | ||
the box is movable\" "upon pushing or gripping. When an object is | movable, | ||
the 'mass' attribute is\" "required.\" "The 'mass' attribute quantifies the mass of the box in kg.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the base of the box in\" "the arena. The three values are in the | X, | ||
Y | , | ||
Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the 3D box. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the center of mass. The order of the\" "angles is | Z, | ||
Y | , | ||
X | , | ||
which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z | axis, | ||
the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in | ARGoS, | ||
in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add any number of colored LEDs to the box. In this | way, | ||
\" "the box is visible with a robot camera. The position and color of the\" "LEDs is specified with the following syntax:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< box id=\box1\ size=\0.75, 0.1, 0.5\ movable=\true\ mass=\2.5>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< leds medium=\id_of_led_medium\>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15, 0.15, 0.15\ anchor=\origin\ color=\white\/>\" "< led offset=\-0.15, 0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\red\/>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15, 0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\blue\/>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15,-0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\green\/>\" "</leds >\" "</box >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "In the | example, | ||
four LEDs are added to the box. The LEDs have\" "different colors and are located one on the top and three\" "around the box. The LEDs are managed by the LED medium declared in\" "the< media > section of the configuration file with id \id_of_led_medium\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY | ( | CCylinderEntity | , |
"cylinder" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A stretchable cylinder." | , | ||
"The cylinder entity can be used to model obstacles or cylinder-shaped\grippable objects. The cylinder has a red LED on the center of one\ "of the circular | surfaces, | ||
that allows perception using the cameras.\" "The cylinder can be movable or not. A movable object can be pushed\" "and gripped. An unmovable object is pretty much like a column.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "To declare an unmovable object(i.e., a column) you need the following:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< cylinder id=\cyl1\ radius=\0.8\ height=\0.5\ movable=\false\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "</cylinder >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "To declare a movable object you need the following:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< cylinder id=\cyl1\ radius=\0.8\ height=\0.5\\" " movable=\true\ mass=\2.5>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "</cylinder >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\" "The 'radius' and 'height' attributes specify the size of the cylinder. When\" "you add a | cylinder, | ||
imagine it initially unrotated and centered in the origin.\" "The base of the | cylinder, | ||
then | , | ||
is parallel to the XY plane and its height\" "goes with the Z axis.\" "The 'movable' attribute specifies whether or not the object is movable. When\" "set to 'false' | , | ||
the object is unmovable:if another object pushes against | it, | ||
\" "the cylinder won 't move. When the attribute is set to 'true' | , | ||
the cylinder is\" "movable upon pushing or gripping. When an object is | movable, | ||
the 'mass'\" "attribute is required.\" "The 'mass' attribute quantifies the mass of the cylinder in kg.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the base of the\" "cylinder in the arena. The three values are in the | X, | ||
Y | , | ||
Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the cylinder. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the center of mass. The order of the\" "angles is | Z, | ||
Y | , | ||
X | , | ||
which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z | axis, | ||
the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in | ARGoS, | ||
in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add any number of colored LEDs to the cylinder. In this | way, | ||
\" "the cylinder is visible with a robot camera. The position and color of the\" "LEDs is specified with the following syntax:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< cylinder id=\cyl1\ radius=\0.8\ height=\0.5\\" " movable=\true\ mass=\2.5>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< leds medium=\id_of_led_medium\>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15, 0.15, 0.15\ anchor=\origin\ color=\white\/>\" "< led offset=\-0.15, 0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\red\/>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15, 0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\blue\/>\" "< led offset=\ 0.15,-0.15, 0\ anchor=\origin\ color=\green\/>\" "</leds >\" "</cylinder >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "In the | example, | ||
four LEDs are added around the cylinder. The LEDs have\" "different colors and are located around the cylinder. The LEDs are\" "managed by the LED medium declared in the< media > section of the\" "configuration file with id \id_of_led_medium\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY | ( | CPrototypeEntity | , |
"prototype" | , | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"A generic and configurable entity" | , | ||
"The prototyping entity allows users to quickly implement new entities using an\experiment 's configuration file. A prototype entity is predominantly described\ "as a set of links connected through joints. The joints can be | fixed, | ||
prismatic | , | ||
\" " | revolute, | ||
spherical | , | ||
or planar. Sensors and actuators for prismatic and revolute\" "joints are provided. Since each link defines an anchor in the embodied | entity, | ||
\" "it is also possible to attach the following entities to any link in the model:\" "the directional LED | entity, | ||
the LED | entity, | ||
the magnet | entity, | ||
the tag | entity, | ||
\" "the radio | entity, | ||
and the proximity sensor equipped entity.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< prototype id=\pt0\ movable=\true\>\" "< body position=\0.1, 0.1, 0.0\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< links ref=\base\>\" "< link id=\base\ geometry=\box\ size=\0.1, 0.1, 0.1\\" " mass=\1\ position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</prototype >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same id the initialization aborts and the simulator will\" "terminate. The movable attribute defines whether the reference link of a robot\" "is fixed or not. This attribute is | useful, | ||
for | example, | ||
if you want to model a\" "robotic arm whose links are | movable, | ||
but where there is one link(i.e. the\" "reference link) that is fixed to the | ground, | ||
a | wall, | ||
or the ceiling.\" "The body tag defines the position and orientation of the prototype entity in the\" "global coordinate system. The most simple entity contains a single link and no\" "joints. An important detail to note is the 'ref' attribute of the links node.\" "This attribute specifies which link is to be used to refer to the prototype\" "entity 's location. The example in the required configuration defines a single\" "link with a box geometry. Three geometries for links are currently supported:\" " | boxes, | ||
cylinders | , | ||
and spheres. The size of a box is defined using the size\" "attribute while cylinders and spheres are defined using a radius attribute and a\" "height attribute in the case of the cylinder. The mass of each link must be\" "defined and specified in kilograms. The position and orientation of each link\" "refer to the offset of the link in the entity 's local coordinate system.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "In the following | example, | ||
additional links and joints are added to a prototype\" "entity to form a small four-wheeled vehicle.\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< prototype id=\vehicle\ movable=\true\>\" "< body position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "< links ref=\base\>\" "< link id=\base\ geometry=\box\ size=\0.1, 0.05, 0.02\ mass=\1\\" " position=\0, 0, 0.01\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "< link id=\wheel_fl\ geometry=\cylinder\ radius=\0.02\ height=\.005\\" " mass=\.05\ position=\.025,.025, 0.02\ orientation=\0, 0,-90\/>\" "< link id=\wheel_fr\ geometry=\cylinder\ radius=\0.02\ height=\.005\\" " mass=\.05\ position=\.025,-.025, 0.02\ orientation=\0, 0, 90\/>\" "< link id=\wheel_br\ geometry=\cylinder\ radius=\0.02\ height=\.005\\" " mass=\.05\ position=\-.025,-.025, 0.02\ orientation=\0, 0, 90\/>\" "< link id=\wheel_bl\ geometry=\cylinder\ radius=\0.02\ height=\.005\\" " mass=\.05\ position=\-.025,.025, 0.02\ orientation=\0, 0,-90\/>\" "</links >\" "< joints >\" "< joint id=\base_wheel_fr\ type=\revolute\ axis=\0, 0, 1>\" "< parent link=\base\ position=\.025,-.025,.01\ orientation=\0, 0, 90\/>\" "< child link=\wheel_fr\ position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</joint >\" "< joint id=\base_wheel_fl\ type=\revolute\ axis=\0, 0, 1>\" "< parent link=\base\ position=\.025,.025,.01\ orientation=\0, 0,-90\/>\" "< child link=\wheel_fl\ position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</joint >\" "< joint id=\base_wheel_br\ type=\revolute\ axis=\0, 0, 1>\" "< parent link=\base\ position=\-.025,-.025,.01\ orientation=\0, 0, 90\/>\" "< child link=\wheel_br\ position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</joint >\" "< joint id=\base_wheel_bl\ type=\revolute\ axis=\0, 0, 1>\" "< parent link=\base\ position=\-.025,.025,.01\ orientation=\0, 0,-90\/>\" "< child link=\wheel_bl\ position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</joint >\" "</joints >\" "</prototype >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "In this | example, | ||
there are five links:the base of the vehicle and four wheels.\" "The wheels are attached to the base using revolute joints. The joint node\" "requires the joint type attribute and in the case of prismatic and revolute\" "joints an axis which defines the joint 's degree of freedom. In addition to the\" "axis | attribute, | ||
prismatic and revolute joints can also be limited using the\" "limit attribute. In the case of prismatic | joints, | ||
this value is interpreted as a\" "range in meters and in the case of revolute | joints, | ||
this value is interpreted as\" "a range in degrees. The maximum and minimum values must be separated with the\" "colon character. The joint node requires two child | nodes, | ||
namely the parent and\" "child nodes which describe the links involved in the joint. Each of these nodes\" "also specifies a position and an | orientation, | ||
which defines the offset from the\" "link 's local coordinate system to the joint 's reference frame. Note that the\" "prototype entity is consistent with ARGoS conventions and the origin of all\" "coordinate systems is at the base of an entity and not at its center of mass.\" "Prismatic and revolute joints support sensors and actuators which can control\" "and monitor the position and velocity of a joint. Refer to the documentation on\" "the joints sensor and joints actuator by querying the joints plugin. It is also\" "possible to attach any number of devices to the links in a prototype entity:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< prototype id=\block\ movable=\true\>\" "< body position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "< links ref=\base\>\" "< link id=\base\ geometry=\box\ size=\.015,.015,.015\ mass=\0.1\\" " position=\0, 0, 0\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</links >\" "< devices >\" "< directional_leds medium=\leds\>\" "< directional_led anchor=\base\ color=\red\ observable_angle=\180\\" " position=\0, 0,.0155\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\/>\" "</directional_leds >\" "< tags medium=\tags\>\" "< tag position=\0, 0,.0155\ orientation=\0, 0, 0\ payload=\0\\" " side_length=\.01\ observable_angle=\180\ anchor=\base\/>\" "</tags >\" "< radios medium=\nfc\>\" "< radio anchor=\base\ duplex_mode=\half\ range=\1\\" " position=\0, 0, 0.0075\/>\" "</radios >\" "</devices >\" "</prototype >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "Each of these devices has three attributes in common:an | anchor, | ||
a | position, | ||
and\" "an orientation. Using these attributes you can attach any number of these\" "entities to any link in the prototype entity since each link creates an anchor.\" "In addition to these | attributes, | ||
the entities have some attributes that define\" "their characteristics. For | example, | ||
tags have a side length and | payload, | ||
while\" "the directional LED has a color. The three devices in the example all require\" "mediums. These mediums index the entities and allow them to be detected by\" "sensors." | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY | ( | CSpiriEntity | , |
"spiri" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The spiri | robot, | ||
developed by Pleiades Robotics." | , | ||
"The spiri is a quad-rotor developed by Pleiades Robotics. It is a\fully autonomous robot with a rich set of sensors and actuators. For more\ " | information, | ||
refer to the dedicated web page(\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< spiri id=\sp0\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</spiri >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the bottom point of the\" "spiri in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and | unrotated, | ||
the\" "bottom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\" "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\" " | axis, | ||
that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\" "are in the | X, | ||
Y | , | ||
Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the spiri. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the bottom point. The order of the\" "angles is | Z, | ||
Y | , | ||
X | , | ||
which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z | axis, | ||
the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in | ARGoS, | ||
in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is | unrotated, | ||
it\" "is oriented along the X axis.\" "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\" "spiri. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\" "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the< controllers > XML subtree.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "You can set the emission range of the range-and-bearing system. By | default, | ||
a\" "message sent by an spiri can be received up to 3m. By using the 'rab_range'\" " | attribute, | ||
you can change it | to, | ||
i. | e., | ||
4m as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< spiri id=\sp0\ rab_range=\4>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</spiri >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also set the data sent at each time step through the range-and-bearing\" "system. By | default, | ||
a message sent by a spiri is 10 bytes long. By using the\" " 'rab_data_size' | attribute, | ||
you can change it | to, | ||
i. | e., | ||
20 bytes as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< spiri id=\sp0\ rab_data_size=\20>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</spiri >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also configure the battery of the robot. By | default, | ||
the battery never\" "depletes. You can choose among several battery discharge | models | ||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY | ( | CFloorEntity | , |
"floor" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"It contains the properties of the arena floor." | , | ||
"The floor entity contains the properties of the arena floor. In the current\ | implementation, | ||
it contains only the color of the floor. The floor color is\" "detected by the robots' ground sensors.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< floor id=\floor\\" " source=\SOURCE\/>\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\" "The 'source' attribute specifies where to get the color of the floor from. Its\" " | value, | ||
here denoted as | SOURCE, | ||
can assume the following values:\\" " image The color is calculated from the passed image file\" " loop_functions The color is calculated calling the loop functions\\" "When 'source' is set to 'image' | , | ||
as showed in the following | example, | ||
you have\" "to specify the image path in the additional attribute 'path':\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< floor id=\floor\\" " source=\image\\" " path=\/path/to/imagefile.ext\/>\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "Many image formats are | available, | ||
such as | PNG, | ||
JPG | , | ||
BMP | , | ||
GIF and many more.\" "Refer to the FreeImage webpage for a complete list of supported image formats\" "(\\" "When 'source' is set to 'loop_functions' | , | ||
as showed in the following | example, | ||
\" "an image is implicitly created to be used as texture for graphical\" "visualizations. The algorithm that creates the texture needs to convert from\" "meters(in the arena) to pixels(of the texture). You control how many pixels\" "per meter are used with the attribute 'pixels_per_meter'. | Clearly, | ||
the higher\" " | value, | ||
the higher the | quality, | ||
but also the slower the algorithm and the bigger\" "the texture. The algorithm is called only once at init | time, | ||
so the fact that\" "it is slow is not so important. | However, | ||
the image size is limited by OpenGL.\" "Every implementation has its own | limit, | ||
and you should check yours if any\" "texture-related problem arises. Now for the example:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< floor id=\floor\\" " source=\loop_functions\\" " pixels_per_meter=\100\/>\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY | ( | CEPuckEntity | , |
"e-puck" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The e-puck robot." | , | ||
"The e-puck is a open- | hardware, | ||
extensible robot intended for education. In its\ "simplest | form, | ||
it is a two-wheeled robot equipped with proximity | sensors, | ||
\" "ground | sensors, | ||
light | sensors, | ||
a | microphone, | ||
a frontal | camera, | ||
and a ring of\" "red LEDs. More information is available at\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< e-puck id=\eb0\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 90, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</e-puck >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the pucktom point of the\" "e-puck in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and | unrotated, | ||
the\" "pucktom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\" "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\" " | axis, | ||
that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\" "are in the | X, | ||
Y | , | ||
Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the e-puck. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the pucktom point. The order of the\" "angles is | Z, | ||
Y | , | ||
X | , | ||
which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z | axis, | ||
the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in | ARGoS, | ||
in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is | unrotated, | ||
it\" "is oriented along the X axis.\" "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\" "e-puck. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\" "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the< controllers > XML subtree.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "You can set the emission range of the range-and-bearing system. By | default, | ||
a\" "message sent by an e-puck can be received up to 80cm. By using the 'rab_range'\" " | attribute, | ||
you can change it | to, | ||
i. | e., | ||
4m as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< e-puck id=\eb0\ rab_range=\4>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 90, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</e-puck >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also set the data sent at each time step through the range-and-bearing\" "system. By | default, | ||
a message sent by an e-puck is 2 bytes long. By using the\" " 'rab_data_size' | attribute, | ||
you can change it | to, | ||
i. | e., | ||
20 bytes as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< e-puck id=\eb0\ rab_data_size=\20>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 90, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</e-puck >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also configure the battery of the robot. By | default, | ||
the battery never\" "depletes. You can choose among several battery discharge | models | ||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY | ( | CEyeBotEntity | , |
"eye-bot" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The eye-bot | robot, | ||
developed in the Swarmanoid project." | , | ||
"The eye-bot is a quad-rotor developed in the Swarmanoid Project. It is a\fully autonomous robot with a rich set of sensors and actuators. For more\ " | information, | ||
refer to the dedicated web page\" "(\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< eye-bot id=\eb0\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</eye-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the bottom point of the\" "eye-bot in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and | unrotated, | ||
the\" "bottom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\" "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\" " | axis, | ||
that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\" "are in the | X, | ||
Y | , | ||
Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the eye-bot. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the bottom point. The order of the\" "angles is | Z, | ||
Y | , | ||
X | , | ||
which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z | axis, | ||
the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in | ARGoS, | ||
in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is | unrotated, | ||
it\" "is oriented along the X axis.\" "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\" "eye-bot. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\" "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the< controllers > XML subtree.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "You can set the emission range of the range-and-bearing system. By | default, | ||
a\" "message sent by an eye-bot can be received up to 3m. By using the 'rab_range'\" " | attribute, | ||
you can change it | to, | ||
i. | e., | ||
4m as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< eye-bot id=\eb0\ rab_range=\4>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</eye-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also set the data sent at each time step through the range-and-bearing\" "system. By | default, | ||
a message sent by a eye-bot is 10 bytes long. By using the\" " 'rab_data_size' | attribute, | ||
you can change it | to, | ||
i. | e., | ||
20 bytes as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< eye-bot id=\eb0\ rab_data_size=\20>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</eye-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also configure the battery of the robot. By | default, | ||
the battery never\" "depletes. You can choose among several battery discharge | models | ||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY | ( | CFootBotEntity | , |
"foot-bot" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The foot-bot | robot, | ||
developed in the Swarmanoid project." | , | ||
"The foot-bot is a wheeled robot developed in the Swarmanoid Project. It is a\modular robot with a rich set of sensors and actuators. For more | information, | ||
\" "refer to the dedicated web page\" "(\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\" "entities share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\" "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the bottom point of the\" "foot-bot in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and | unrotated, | ||
the\" "bottom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\" "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\" " | axis, | ||
that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\" "are in the | X, | ||
Y | , | ||
Z order.\" "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the foot-bot. All\" "rotations are performed with respect to the bottom point. The order of the\" "angles is | Z, | ||
Y | , | ||
X | , | ||
which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\" "around the Z | axis, | ||
the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\" "the internal convention used in | ARGoS, | ||
in which rotations are performed in\" "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is | unrotated, | ||
it\" "is oriented along the X axis.\" "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\" "foot-bot. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\" "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the< controllers > XML subtree.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "You can set the emission range of the range-and-bearing system. By | default, | ||
a\" "message sent by a foot-bot can be received up to 3m. By using the 'rab_range'\" " | attribute, | ||
you can change it | to, | ||
i. | e., | ||
4m as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\ rab_range=\4>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also set the data sent at each time step through the range-and-bearing\" "system. By | default, | ||
a message sent by a foot-bot is 10 bytes long. By using the\" " 'rab_data_size' | attribute, | ||
you can change it | to, | ||
i. | e., | ||
20 bytes as follows:\\" "< arena ... >\" " ...\" "< foot-bot id=\fb0\ rab_data_size=\20>\" "< body position=\0.4, 2.3, 0.25\ orientation=\45, 0, 0\/>\" "< controller config=\mycntrl\/>\" "</foot-bot >\" " ...\" "</arena >\\" "You can also configure the battery of the robot. By | default, | ||
the battery never\" "depletes. You can choose among several battery discharge | models | ||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal | , |
CQTOpenGLWidget | , | ||
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawPrototypeNormal | , | ||
void | , | ||
CPrototypeEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected | , |
CQTOpenGLWidget | , | ||
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawPrototypeSelected | , | ||
void | , | ||
CPrototypeEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_MEDIUM | ( | CDirectionalLEDMedium | , |
"directional_led" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"Manages directional LED entities." | , | ||
"This medium is required to manage the directional LED | entities, | ||
so that\ "the associated camera sensors can find them. If you use a camera | sensor, | ||
\" "you must add this medium the sensors XML configuration.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< directional_led id=\led\/>\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being\" | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_MEDIUM | ( | CTagMedium | , |
"tag" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"Manages tag entities." | , | ||
"This medium is required to manage the tag | entities, | ||
so that the\ "associated camera sensors can find them. If you use a camera | sensor, | ||
you\" "must add this medium the sensors XML configuration.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< tag id=\qrcodes\/>\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being\" | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_MEDIUM | ( | CRadioMedium | , |
"radio" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"Enables communication between a radio actuator and radio sensor." | , | ||
"This medium indexes the radio entities in the space and allows\transmitting radios to find nearby receiving radios.\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\" "< radio id=\adios\>\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\" "None for the time being\ | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_MEDIUM | ( | CLEDMedium | , |
"led" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"Manages the LEDs." | , | ||
"This medium is required to manage the LED | entities, | ||
thus allowing the\ "associated camera sensors to work properly. If you intend to use a camera\"sensor that detects colored | blobs, | ||
you must add this medium to the XML\" "configuration file.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< led id=\led\/>\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being\" | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_MEDIUM | ( | CRABMedium | , |
"range_and_bearing" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"It simulates the communication across range-and-bearing-equipped robots." | , | ||
"This medium is required to simulate communication across range-and-bearing-\equipped robots. You need to add it to the< media > section every time you add\ "a range-and-bearing-equipped entity whose controller has a range-and-bearing\" "device activated.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< range_and_bearing id=\rab\/>\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "By | default, | ||
the RAB medium requires two robots to be in direct line-of-sight in\" "order to be able to exchange messages. You can toggle this behavior on or off\" "through the 'check_occlusions' attribute:\\" "< range_and_bearing id=\rab\ check_occlusions=\false\/>\\" | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_PHYSICS_ENGINE | ( | CPointMass3DEngine | , |
"pointmass3d" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A 3D point-mass physics engine." | , | ||
"This physics engine is a 3D point-mass engine.\"REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\" "< physics_engines >\ " ...\"< pointmass3d id=\pm3d\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the physics engines.\" "If two engines share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\\" | , | ||
"Under development" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_PHYSICS_ENGINE | ( | CDynamics2DEngine | , |
"dynamics2d" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A 2D dynamics physics engine." | , | ||
"This physics engine is a 2D dynamics engine based on the Chipmunk library\( version 6.0.1.\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\" "< physics_engines >\ " ...\" "< dynamics2d id=\dyn2d\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the physics engines.\" "It is used in the subsequent section< arena_physics > to assign entities to\" "physics engines. If two engines share the same | id, | ||
initialization aborts.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to set how many iterations this physics engine performs between\" "each simulation step. By | default, | ||
this physics engine performs 10 steps every\" "two simulation steps. This means | that, | ||
if the simulation step is | 100ms, | ||
the\" "physics engine step | is, | ||
by | default, | ||
10ms. | Sometimes, | ||
collisions and joints are\" "not simulated with sufficient precision using these parameters. By increasing\" "the number of | iterations, | ||
the temporal granularity of the solver increases and\" "with it its | accuracy, | ||
at the cost of higher computational cost. To change the\" "number of iterations per simulation step use this syntax:\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics2d id=\dyn2d\\" " iterations=\20\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "The plane of the physics engine can be translated on the Z | axis, | ||
to simulate\" "for example hovering | objects, | ||
such as flying robots. To translate the plane\" "2m up the Z | axis, | ||
use the 'elevation' attribute as follows:\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics2d id=\dyn2d\\" " elevation=\2.0\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "When not | specified, | ||
the elevation is | zero, | ||
which means that the plane\" "corresponds to the XY plane.\\" "The friction parameters between the ground and movable boxes and cylinders can\" "be overridden. You can set both the linear and angular friction parameters.\" "The default value is 1.49 for each of them. To override the | values | ||
) |
argos::REGISTER_PHYSICS_ENGINE | ( | CDynamics3DEngine | , |
"dynamics3d" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A 3D dynamics physics engine" | , | ||
"This physics engine is a 3D dynamics engine based on the Bullet Physics SDK\(\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\" "< physics_engines >\ " ...\" "< dynamics3d id=\dyn3d\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the physics engines.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to change the default friction used in the simulation from\" "its initial value of 1.0 using the default_friction attribute as shown\" "below. For debugging | purposes, | ||
it is also possible to provide a filename\" "via the debug_file attribute which will cause the Bullet world to be\" "serialized and written out to a file at the end of each step. This file\" "can then be opened using the Bullet example browser and can provide useful\" "insights into the stability of a simulation.\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics3d id=\dyn3d\\" " default_friction=\1.0\\" " debug_file=\dynamics3d.bullet\/>\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" "The physics engine supports a number of plugins that add features to the\" "simulation. In the example | below, | ||
a floor plane has been added which has a\" "height of 1 cm and the dimensions of the floor as specified by the arena\" "node. It is possible to change the coefficient of friction of the floor\" "using the friction attribute. This will override the default friction used\" "by the physics engine. By | default, | ||
there will be no gravity in the\" "simulation. This can be changed by adding a gravity node with a single\" "attribute 'g' which is the downwards acceleration caused by gravity.\" " | Finally, | ||
there is a magnetism plugin. This plugin applies forces and\" "torques to bodies in the simulation that contains magnetic dipoles. The\" " 'max_distance' attribute is an optional optimization that sets the maximum\" "distance at which two magnetic dipoles will interact with each other. In\" "the example | below, | ||
this distance has been set to 4 cm.\\" "< physics_engines >\" " ...\" "< dynamics3d id=\dyn3d\ default_friction=\2.0>\" "< floor height=\0.01\ friction=\0.05\/>\" "< gravity g=\10\/>\" "< magnetism max_distance=\0.04\/>\" "</dynamics3d >\" " ...\" "</physics_engines >\\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSpiriNormal | , | ||
CSpiriEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSpiriSelected | , | ||
CSpiriEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawLightNormal | , | ||
CLightEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawLightSelected | , | ||
CLightEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawCylinderNormal | , | ||
CCylinderEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawCylinderSelected | , | ||
CCylinderEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawBoxNormal | , | ||
CBoxEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawBoxSelected | , | ||
CBoxEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawMiniQuadrotorNormal | , | ||
CMiniQuadrotorEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawMiniQuadrotorSelected | , | ||
CMiniQuadrotorEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawEPuckNormal | , | ||
CEPuckEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawEPuckSelected | , | ||
CEPuckEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawEyeBotNormal | , | ||
CEyeBotEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawEyeBotSelected | , | ||
CEyeBotEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawFootBotNormal | , | ||
CFootBotEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_QTOPENGL_ENTITY_OPERATION | ( | CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected | , |
CQTOpenGLOperationDrawFootBotSelected | , | ||
CFootBotEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CFootBotTurretEncoderDefaultSensor | , |
"footbot_turret_encoder" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The foot-bot turret encoder sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses the foot-bot turret encoder. For a complete\description of its | usage, | ||
refer to the ci_footbot_turret_encoder_sensor\" "file.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_turret_encoder implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None for the time being.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CEyeBotProximityDefaultSensor | , |
"eyebot_proximity" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The eye-bot proximity sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses the eye-bot proximity sensor. For a complete description\of its | usage, | ||
refer to the ci_eyebot_proximity_sensor.h interface. For the XML\" " | configuration, | ||
refer to the default proximity sensor.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CFootBotProximityDefaultSensor | , |
"footbot_proximity" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The foot-bot proximity sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses the foot-bot proximity sensor. For a complete description\of its | usage, | ||
refer to the ci_footbot_proximity_sensor.h interface. For the XML\" " | configuration, | ||
refer to the default proximity sensor.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CPrototypeJointsDefaultSensor | , |
"joints" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The prototype joints sensor: monitors a prototype entity's joints." | , | ||
"This sensor is used to monitor the joints inside a prototype entity. To monitor\a | joint, | ||
add a joint child node to the joints node. Each child node has two\" "required attributes.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< joints implementation=\default\>\" "< joint id=\joint0\ mode=\velocity\/>\" "< joint id=\joint1\ mode=\position\/>\" " ...\" "</joints >\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'id' attribute specifies which joint in the prototype joint equipped entity\" "we are interested in monitoring. The 'mode' attribute has three options:\" " | disabled, | ||
position | , | ||
and velocity. The disabled mode is self-explanatory. The\" "position mode measures the displacement of the joint from its initial position\" "or orientation(depending on whether the specified joint is prismatic or\" "revolute). The reading from the joint is reported in either meters or radians\" "respectively. The velocity mode measures the how much the position or\" "orientation of the joint is changing every second.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None." | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CPositioningDefaultSensor | , |
"positioning" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic positioning sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor returns the current position and orientation of a robot. This sensor\can be used with any | robot, | ||
since it accesses only the body component. In\" " | controllers, | ||
you must include the ci_positioning_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< positioning implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the | sensor, | ||
thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. You can add noise through the\" "attributes 'pos_noise_range' | , | ||
'angle_noise_range' | , | ||
and 'axis_noise_range'.\" "Attribute 'pos_noise_range' regulates the noise range on the position returned\" "by the sensor. Attribute 'angle_noise_range' sets the noise range on the angle\" "(values expressed in degrees). Attribute 'axis_noise_range' sets the noise for\" "the rotation axis. Angle and axis are used to calculate a | quaternion, | ||
which is\" "the actual returned value for rotation.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< positioning implementation=\default\\" " pos_noise_range=\-0.1:0.2\\" " angle_noise_range=\-10.5:13.7\\" " axis_noise_range=\-0.3:0.4\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CDifferentialSteeringDefaultSensor | , |
"differential_steering" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic differential steering sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor returns the current position and orientation of a robot. This sensor\can be used with any | robot, | ||
since it accesses only the body component. In\" " | controllers, | ||
you must include the ci_differential_steering_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< differential_steering implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the | sensor, | ||
thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. You can add noise through the\" "attributes 'vel_noise_range' and 'dist_noise_range'.\" "Attribute 'vel_noise_range' regulates the noise range on the velocity returned\" "by the sensor. Attribute 'dist_noise_range' sets the noise range on the\" "distance covered by the wheels.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< differential_steering implementation=\default\\" " vel_noise_range=\-0.1:0.2\\" " dist_noise_range=\-10.5:13.7\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CRadiosDefaultSensor | , |
"radios" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic radio sensor to receive messages from nearby radios." | , | ||
"This radio sensor implementation allows an arbitary number of messages\containing an arbitary number of bytes to be received from nearby robots. The\ "implementation is very basic and any concepts such as | throughput, | ||
addressing | , | ||
\" "or formatting of a message 's contents is beyond the scope of this sensor 's\" "implementation\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< radios implementation=\default\ medium=\radios\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute sets the id of the radio medium declared in the< media >\" "XML section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CBatteryDefaultSensor | , |
"battery" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Adhavan Jayabalan " | [jadhu94], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic battery level sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor returns the current battery level of a robot. This sensor\can be used with any | robot, | ||
since it accesses only the body component. In\" " | controllers, | ||
you must include the ci_battery_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< battery implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the | sensor, | ||
thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. You can add noise through the\" "attribute 'noise_range' as follows:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< battery implementation=\default\\" " noise_range=\-0.3:0.4\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CFootBotBaseGroundRotZOnlySensor | , |
"footbot_base_ground" | , | ||
"rot_z_only" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The foot-bot base ground sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses the foot-bot base ground sensor. For a complete description\of its | usage, | ||
refer to the ci_footbot_base_ground_sensor.h interface. For the XML\" " | configuration, | ||
refer to the default ground sensor.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CFootBotMotorGroundRotZOnlySensor | , |
"footbot_motor_ground" | , | ||
"rot_z_only" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The foot-bot motor ground sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses the foot-bot motor ground sensor. For a complete description\of its | usage, | ||
refer to the ci_footbot_motor_ground_sensor.h interface. For the XML\" " | configuration, | ||
refer to the default ground sensor.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CGroundRotZOnlySensor | , |
"ground" | , | ||
"rot_z_only" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic ground sensor (optimized for 2D)." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses a set of ground sensors. The sensors all return a value\between 0 and | 1, | ||
where 0 means black and 1 means white. Depending on the type\" "of ground | sensor, | ||
readings can either take 0 or 1 as value(bw sensors) or a\" "value in between(grayscale sensors). In | controllers, | ||
you must include the\" "ci_ground_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< ground implementation=\rot_z_only\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the | sensors, | ||
thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_level\ | , | ||
whose allowed range is in and is added to the calculated\" "reading. The final sensor reading is always normalized in the range.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< ground implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " noise_level=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | [-1, 1][0-1], | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CProximityDefaultSensor | , |
"proximity" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic proximity sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses a set of proximity sensors. The sensors all return a value\between 0 and | 1, | ||
where 0 means nothing within range and 1 means an external\" "object is touching the sensor. Values between 0 and 1 depend on the distance of\" "the occluding | object, | ||
and are calculated as | value = exp(-distance). In\" "controllers , |
you must include the ci_proximity_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< proximity implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the proximity sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In | OpenGL, | ||
the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" " | obstructed, | ||
a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality | on, | ||
add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< proximity implementation=\default\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the | sensors, | ||
thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_level\ | , | ||
whose allowed range is in and is added to the calculated\" "reading. The final sensor reading is always normalized in the range.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< proximity implementation=\default\\" " noise_level=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" | [-1, 1][0-1], | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CRangeAndBearingMediumSensor | , |
"range_and_bearing" | , | ||
"medium" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The range-and-bearing sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor allows robots to perform situated | communication, | ||
i. | e., | ||
a form of\ "wireless communication whereby the receiver also knows the location of the\"sender with respect to its own frame of reference.\" "This implementation of the range-and-bearing sensor is associated to the\" "range-and-bearing medium. To be able to use this | sensor, | ||
you must add a\" "range-and-bearing medium to the< media > section.\" "This sensor allows a robot to receive messages. To send | messages, | ||
you need the\" "range-and-bearing actuator.\" "To use this | sensor, | ||
in controllers you must include the\" "ci_range_and_bearing_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< range_and_bearing implementation=\medium\\" " medium=\rab\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute must be set to the id of the range-and-bearing medium\" "declared in the< media > section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the range-and-bearing sensor in the\" "OpenGL visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to\" "understand what 's wrong in your controller. In | OpenGL, | ||
the rays are drawn in\" "cyan when two robots are communicating.\" "To turn this functionality | on, | ||
add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< range_and_bearing implementation=\medium\\" " medium=\rab\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add noise to the | readings, | ||
thus matching the characteristics\" "of a real robot better. Noise is implemented as a random vector added to the\" "vector joining two communicating robots. For the random | vector, | ||
the inclination\" "and azimuth are chosen uniformly in the range | and[0:PI][0:2PI], | ||
respectively | , | ||
\" "and the length is drawn from a Gaussian distribution. The standard deviation of\" "the Gaussian distribution is expressed in meters and set by the user through\" "the attribute 'noise_std_dev' as shown in this example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< range_and_bearing implementation=\medium\\" " medium=\rab\\" " noise_std_dev=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "In | addition, | ||
it is possible to specify the probability that a packet gets lost\" "even though the robot should have received it(i.e., packet dropping). To set\" "this | probability, | ||
use the attribute 'packet_drop_prob' as shown in the example:\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< range_and_bearing implementation=\medium\\" " medium=\rab\\" " packet_drop_prob=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CLightDefaultSensor | , |
"light" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic light sensor." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses a set of light sensors. The sensors all return a value\between 0 and | 1, | ||
where 0 means nothing within range and 1 means the perceived\" "light saturates the sensor. Values between 0 and 1 depend on the distance of\" "the perceived light. Each reading R is calculated with | R = (I/x)^2 , |
where x is the\" "distance between a sensor and the | light, | ||
and I is the reference intensity of the\" "perceived light. The reference intensity corresponds to the minimum distance at\" "which the light saturates a sensor. The reference intensity depends on the\" "individual | light, | ||
and it is set with the \intensity\ attribute of the light\" "entity. In case multiple lights are present in the | environment, | ||
each sensor\" "reading is calculated as the sum of the individual readings due to each light.\" "In other | words, | ||
light wave interference is not taken into account. In\" " | controllers, | ||
you must include the ci_light_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< light implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the light sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In | OpenGL, | ||
the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" " | obstructed, | ||
a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality | on, | ||
add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< light implementation=\default\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the | sensors, | ||
thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_level\ | , | ||
whose allowed range is in and is added to the calculated\" "reading. The final sensor reading is always normalized in the range.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< light implementation=\default\\" " noise_level=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | [-1, 1][0-1], | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CEyeBotLightRotZOnlySensor | , |
"eyebot_light" | , | ||
"rot_z_only" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The eye-bot light sensor (optimized for 2D)." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses a set of light sensors. The sensors all return a value\between 0 and | 1, | ||
where 0 means nothing within range and 1 means the perceived\" "light saturates the sensor. Values between 0 and 1 depend on the distance of\" "the perceived light. Each reading R is calculated with | R = (I/x)^2 , |
where x is the\" "distance between a sensor and the | light, | ||
and I is the reference intensity of the\" "perceived light. The reference intensity corresponds to the minimum distance at\" "which the light saturates a sensor. The reference intensity depends on the\" "individual | light, | ||
and it is set with the \intensity\ attribute of the light\" "entity. In case multiple lights are present in the | environment, | ||
each sensor\" "reading is calculated as the sum of the individual readings due to each light.\" "In other | words, | ||
light wave interference is not taken into account. In\" " | controllers, | ||
you must include the ci_light_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< eyebot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the light sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In | OpenGL, | ||
the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" " | obstructed, | ||
a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality | on, | ||
add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< eyebot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the | sensors, | ||
thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_level\ | , | ||
whose allowed range is in and is added to the calculated\" "reading. The final sensor reading is always normalized in the range.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< eyebot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " noise_level=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | [-1, 1][0-1], | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CFootBotLightRotZOnlySensor | , |
"footbot_light" | , | ||
"rot_z_only" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The foot-bot light sensor (optimized for 2D)." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses a set of light sensors. The sensors all return a value\between 0 and | 1, | ||
where 0 means nothing within range and 1 means the perceived\" "light saturates the sensor. Values between 0 and 1 depend on the distance of\" "the perceived light. Each reading R is calculated with | R = (I/x)^2 , |
where x is the\" "distance between a sensor and the | light, | ||
and I is the reference intensity of the\" "perceived light. The reference intensity corresponds to the minimum distance at\" "which the light saturates a sensor. The reference intensity depends on the\" "individual | light, | ||
and it is set with the \intensity\ attribute of the light\" "entity. In case multiple lights are present in the | environment, | ||
each sensor\" "reading is calculated as the sum of the individual readings due to each light.\" "In other | words, | ||
light wave interference is not taken into account. In\" " | controllers, | ||
you must include the ci_light_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the light sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In | OpenGL, | ||
the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" " | obstructed, | ||
a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality | on, | ||
add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " show_rays=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the | sensors, | ||
thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_level\ | , | ||
whose allowed range is in and is added to the calculated\" "reading. The final sensor reading is always normalized in the range.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_light implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " noise_level=\0.1\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "None.\" | [-1, 1][0-1], | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CColoredBlobOmnidirectionalCameraRotZOnlySensor | , |
"colored_blob_omnidirectional_camera" | , | ||
"rot_z_only" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic omnidirectional camera sensor to detect colored blobs." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses an omnidirectional camera that detects colored blobs. The\sensor returns a list of | blobs, | ||
each defined by a color and a position with\" "respect to the robot reference point on the ground. In | controllers, | ||
you must\" "include the ci_colored_blob_omnidirectional_camera_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_omnidirectional_camera implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute must be set to the id of the leds medium declared in the\" "< media > section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the camera sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In | OpenGL, | ||
the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" " | obstructed, | ||
a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality | on, | ||
add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_omnidirectional_camera implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " | show_rays = \true\/ , |
\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the | blobs, | ||
thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_std_dev\.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_omnidirectional_camera implementation=\rot_z_only\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " | noise_std_dev = \0.1\/ , |
\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CCameraDefaultSensor | , |
"cameras" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Michael Allwright " | [allsey87], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic multi-camera sensor capable of running various algorithms" | , | ||
"The generic multi-camera sensor can be attached to any composable entity in\ARGoS that contains an embodied entity with at least one anchor. The sensor\ "can be initialized with a number of cameras each running different algorithms\" "for detecting different objects in the simulation. The sensor is designed so\" "that algorithms can project a feature in the simulation on to the virtual \" "sensor and store its 2D pixel coordinates as a reading. The implementation\" "of algorithms that behave | differently, | ||
however | , | ||
is also possible.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< cameras implementation=\default\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the frustum of each camera sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. To turn this functionality | on, | ||
add the\" "attribute \show_frustum\ as follows:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< cameras implementation=\default\ show_frustum=\true\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "To add a camera to the | plugin, | ||
create a camera node as shown in the following\" "example. A camera is defined by its | rangehow close and how far the camera\" "can see, | ||
its anchor and its position and orientation offsets from that\" "that | anchor, | ||
its focal length and principal | pointwhich define the\" "projection matrix, | ||
and its resolution.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< cameras implementation=\default\ show_frustum=\true\>\" "< camera id=\camera0\ range=\0.025:0.25\ anchor=\origin\\" " position=\0.1, 0, 0.1\ orientation=\90,-90, 0\\" " focal_length=\800, 800\ principal_point=\320, 240\\" " resolution=\640, 480\/>\" "</cameras >\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "To run an algorithm on the camera | sensor, | ||
simply add the algorithm as a node\" "under the camera node. At the time of | writing, | ||
three algorithms are available\" "by default:led_detector | , | ||
directional_led_detector | , | ||
and tag_detector. Each of\" "algorithms requires a medium attribute that specifies the medium where the\" "target entities are indexed. By setting the show_rays attribute to | true, | ||
you\" "can see whether or not a target was partially occluded by another object in\" "the simulation. For example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< cameras implementation=\default\ show_frustum=\true\>\" "< camera id=\camera0\ range=\0.025:0.25\ anchor=\origin\\" " position=\0.1, 0, 0.1\ orientation=\90,-90, 0\\" " focal_length=\800, 800\ principal_point=\320, 240\\" " resolution=\640, 480>\" "< led_detector medium=\leds\ show_rays=\true\/>\" "</camera >\" "</cameras >\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CColoredBlobPerspectiveCameraDefaultSensor | , |
"colored_blob_perspective_camera" | , | ||
"default" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"A generic perspective camera sensor to detect colored blobs." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses an perspective camera that detects colored blobs. The\sensor returns a list of | blobs, | ||
each defined by a color and a position with\" "respect to the robot reference point on the ground. In | controllers, | ||
you must\" "include the ci_colored_blob_perspective_camera_sensor.h header.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_perspective_camera implementation=\default\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "The 'medium' attribute must be set to the id of the leds medium declared in the\" "< media > section.\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the camera sensor in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In | OpenGL, | ||
the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" " | obstructed, | ||
a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality | on, | ||
add the attribute \show_rays\ as in this\" "example:\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_perspective_camera implementation=\default\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " | show_rays = \true\/ , |
\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "It is possible to add uniform noise to the | blobs, | ||
thus matching the\" "characteristics of a real robot better. This can be done with the attribute\" "\noise_std_dev\.\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< colored_blob_perspective_camera implementation=\default\\" " medium=\leds\/>\" " | noise_std_dev = \0.1\/ , |
\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SENSOR | ( | CFootBotDistanceScannerRotZOnlySensor | , |
"footbot_distance_scanner" | , | ||
"rot_z_only" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"The foot-bot distance scanner sensor (optimized for 2D)." | , | ||
"This sensor accesses the foot-bot distance scanner sensor. For a complete\description of its | usage, | ||
refer to the common interface.\" "In this | implementation, | ||
the readings are calculated under the assumption that\" "the foot-bot is always parallel to the XY | plane, | ||
i. | e., | ||
it rotates only around\" "the Z axis. This implementation is faster than a 3D one and should be used\" "only when the assumption about the foot-bot rotation holds.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< controllers >\" " ...\" "< my_controller ... >\" " ...\" "< sensors >\" " ...\" "< footbot_distance_scanner implementation=\rot_z_only\/>\" " ...\" "</sensors >\" " ...\" "</my_controller >\" " ...\" "</controllers >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "It is possible to draw the rays shot by the distance scanner in the OpenGL\" "visualization. This can be useful for sensor debugging but also to understand\" "what 's wrong in your controller. In | OpenGL, | ||
the rays are drawn in cyan when\" "they are not obstructed and in purple when they are. In case a ray is\" " | obstructed, | ||
a black dot is drawn where the intersection occurred.\" "To turn this functionality | on | ||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationAddEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationAddCRadioEntity | , | ||
CRadioEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationRemoveEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationRemoveCRadioEntity | , | ||
CRadioEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationAddEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationAddCLEDEntity | , | ||
CLEDEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationRemoveEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationRemoveCLEDEntity | , | ||
CLEDEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationAddEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationAddCDirectionalLEDEntity | , | ||
CDirectionalLEDEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationAddEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationAddCTagEntity | , | ||
CTagEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationRemoveEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationRemoveCDirectionalLEDEntity | , | ||
CDirectionalLEDEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationRemoveEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationRemoveCTagEntity | , | ||
CTagEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationAddEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationAddCFloorEntity | , | ||
CFloorEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationAddEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationAddCRABEquippedEntity | , | ||
CRABEquippedEntity | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_SPACE_OPERATION | ( | CSpaceOperationRemoveEntity | , |
CSpaceOperationRemoveCRABEquippedEntity | , | ||
CRABEquippedEntity | |||
) |
CDynamics2DCylinderModel | |||
) |
CDynamics2DBoxModel | |||
) |
CDynamics2DEPuckModel | |||
) |
CDynamics2DFootBotModel | |||
) |
CDynamics3DBoxModel | |||
) |
CDynamics3DCylinderModel | |||
) |
CDynamics3DPrototypeModel | |||
) |
CPhysXFootBotModel | |||
) |
CPhysXMiniQuadrotorModel | |||
) |
CPhysXEPuckModel | |||
) |
CPointMass3DBoxModel | |||
) |
CPointMass3DCylinderModel | |||
) |
CPointMass3DEyeBotModel | |||
) |
CPointMass3DSpiriModel | |||
) |
CPointMass3DFootBotModel | |||
) |
argos::REGISTER_STANDARD_SPACE_OPERATIONS_ON_COMPOSABLE | ( | CPrototypeJointEquippedEntity | ) |
argos::REGISTER_STANDARD_SPACE_OPERATIONS_ON_COMPOSABLE | ( | CPrototypeLinkEquippedEntity | ) |
argos::REGISTER_STANDARD_SPACE_OPERATIONS_ON_ENTITY | ( | COmnidirectionalCameraEquippedEntity | ) |
argos::REGISTER_STANDARD_SPACE_OPERATIONS_ON_ENTITY | ( | CFootBotDistanceScannerEquippedEntity | ) |
argos::REGISTER_STANDARD_SPACE_OPERATIONS_ON_ENTITY | ( | CPerspectiveCameraEquippedEntity | ) |
argos::REGISTER_STANDARD_SPACE_OPERATIONS_ON_ENTITY | ( | CGripperEquippedEntity | ) |
argos::REGISTER_STANDARD_SPACE_OPERATIONS_ON_ENTITY | ( | CGroundSensorEquippedEntity | ) |
argos::REGISTER_STANDARD_SPACE_OPERATIONS_ON_ENTITY | ( | CLightSensorEquippedEntity | ) |
argos::REGISTER_STANDARD_SPACE_OPERATIONS_ON_ENTITY | ( | CProximitySensorEquippedEntity | ) |
argos::REGISTER_STANDARD_SPACE_OPERATIONS_ON_ENTITY | ( | CBatteryEquippedEntity | ) |
argos::REGISTER_VISUALIZATION | ( | CQTOpenGLRender | , |
"qt-opengl" | , | ||
"Carlo Pinciroli " | [ilpincy], | ||
"1.0" | , | ||
"An interactive graphical renderer based on QT and OpenGL." | , | ||
"The QT-OpenGL renderer is a graphical renderer based on QT >= 4.5 and OpenGL.\It allows the user to watch and modify the simulation as it 's running in an\ "intuitive way.\\" "REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl/>\" "</visualization >\\" "OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\\" "You can auto-play the simulation at startup by specifying the 'autoplay'\" "attribute as follows:\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl autoplay=\true\/>\" "</visualization >\\" "It is also possible to set some camera parameters. There are 10 available\" "cameras to use. You can switch from one to the other by clicking on the\" "graphical view(to give it focus) and then pressing the keys 0-9.\" "To configure position and orientation of specific | cameras, | ||
say cameras 0 to | 3, | ||
\" "you have to include the following XML code:\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl >\" "< camera >\" "< placement idx=\0\ position=\2, 2, 2\ look_at=\1, 1, 1\/>\" "< placement idx=\1\ position=\1, 0, 7\ look_at=\1, 0, 0\/>\" "< placement idx=\2\ position=\3, 3, 4\ look_at=\1, 6, 0\/>\" "< placement idx=\3\ position=\2, 3, 2\ look_at=\0, 1, 0\/>\" "</camera >\" "</qt-opengl >\" "</visualization >\\" "The 'idx' attribute specifies the camera index(and the key to press to switch\" "to that camera).\" "The 'position' attribute contains the position of the camera in the arena.\" "The 'look_at' attribute sets the point the camera is looking at.\" " | Sometimes, | ||
specifying a camera positioning with only 'position' and 'look_at'\" "generates ambiguous | configurations, | ||
which ARGoS resolves in a default way after\" "printing a warning message. To place the camera without | ambiguities, | ||
specify\" "also the 'up' vector of the camera. If the camera is your | head, | ||
imagine this\" "vector as an arrow that stems from the center of your head | and, | ||
namely the focal length\" "and the length of the frame diagonal. For example:\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl >\" "< camera >\" " ...\" "< placement idx=\4\\" " position=\4, 1, 4\\" " look_at=\2, 1, 0\\" " lens_focal_length=\50\\" " frame_diagonal=\40\/>\" " ...\" "</camera >\" "</qt-opengl >\" "</visualization >\\" "The 'lens_focal_length' attribute controls the focal length of the lens of the\" "simulated camera. The value is in millimeters and it | defaults, | ||
if not set in\" " | XML, | ||
to 20mm.\" "The 'frame_diagonal' attribute specifies the length of the frame diagonal of\" "the image film. The value is in millimeters and it | defaults, | ||
if not set in\" " | XML, | ||
to 35mm.\" "This visualization also allows for user customization. In a similar fashion to\" "the loop | functions, | ||
you can set a plug-in that derives from the\" "CQTOpenGLUserFunctions class. To load it in the | system, | ||
follow this example:\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl >\" "< user_functions library=\/path/to/\\" " label=\my_user_functions\/>\" "</qt-opengl >\" "</visualization >\\" "The 'library' attribute points to the library where the user functions are\" "stored. This library can be the same as the loop | functions, | ||
or a new one.\" "There is no limitation to where the code is to be found.\" "The 'label' attribute identifies the user function class to use. In this | way, | ||
\" "in a single library you can have multiple user function | implementations, | ||
if\" "you wish.\" "You can also grab frames and store them into image | files, | ||
for example to create\" "videos in a fast way. To do | it, | ||
you just need to press the red capture button\" "and frame grabbing will be on. By | default, | ||
the frames are named\" " 'frame_NNNNN.png' and are stored in the current | directory, | ||
i.e. the directory\" "where you run the 'argos' command. If you want to override this | behavior, | ||
you\" "can add the optional 'frame_grabbing' section as follows:\\" "< visualization >\" "< qt-opengl >\" "< frame_grabbing directory=\frames\\" " base_name=\myframe_\\" " format=\png\\" " quality=\100\/>\" "</qt-opengl >\" "</visualization >\\" "All the attributes in this section are optional. If you don 't specify one of\" " | them, | ||
the default is taken.\" "The 'directory' attribute stores the directory where the frames are saved. If\" "the directory does not | exist, | ||
a fatal error occurs. The directory must exist\" "and be writable. Both absolute and relative paths are allowed. The default\" "value is '.'\" "The 'base_name' attribute is the string to prepend to the file name. After this\" " | string, | ||
the frame number(padded to 5 digits) is added. The default value is\" " 'frame_' | , | ||
so a typical resulting name is 'frame_00165'.\" "The 'format' attribute specifies the format. The default value is 'png' but you\" "can put any format supported by Qt >=4.5. Refer to the Qt documentation for the\" "complete list of supported formats.\" "The 'quality' attribute dictates the quality of the image. Its value is in the\" "range where 0 means maximum compression and minimum | quality[0:100], | ||
and 100\" "means maximum quality and no compression at all. The default value is '-1' | , | ||
\" "which means to use Qt 's default quality. For | videos, | ||
it 's best to use 100 to\" "avoid artifacts due to compression. For a normal | screenshot, | ||
the default is the\" "safest choice.\" | , | ||
"Usable" | |||
) |
void argos::RemoveConstraintBetweenGripperAndGrippable | ( | cpSpace * | pt_space, |
void * | p_obj, | ||
void * | p_data | ||
) |
Definition at line 212 of file dynamics2d_gripping.cpp.
void argos::Replace | ( | std::string & | str_buffer, |
const std::string & | str_original, | ||
const std::string & | str_new | ||
) |
Searches into str_buffer for occurrences of str_original and substitutes them with str_new.
str_buffer | the string to modify. |
str_original | the string to search for. |
str_new | the substitute string. |
Definition at line 79 of file string_utilities.cpp.
inline |
Resets the text to the default settings.
The default settings are white text on black background.
Definition at line 128 of file argos_colored_text.h.
void argos::SetNodeAttribute | ( | TConfigurationNode & | t_node, |
const std::string & | str_attribute, | ||
const T & | t_value | ||
) |
Sets the value of the wanted node's attribute.
If the attribute does not exist, it is created.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
t_value | the value to set |
Definition at line 434 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Sets the value of the wanted node's attribute.
This function is an overloaded version of the templetized SetNodeAttribute() for boolean values.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
b_value | the value to set |
Definition at line 451 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Sets the value of the wanted node's attribute.
This function is an overloaded version of the templetized SetNodeAttribute() for SInt8 values.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
n_value | the value to set |
Definition at line 473 of file argos_configuration.h.
inline |
Sets the value of the wanted node's attribute.
This function is an overloaded version of the templetized SetNodeAttribute() for UInt8 values.
t_node | the node |
str_attribute | the name of the wanted attribute |
un_value | the value to set |
Definition at line 490 of file argos_configuration.h.
SInt32 argos::Sign | ( | const T & | t_v | ) |
T argos::Square | ( | const T & | t_v | ) |
std::string argos::StringToLowerCase | ( | const std::string & | str_string | ) |
Converts a string to lower case.
str_string | the string to convert. |
Definition at line 62 of file string_utilities.cpp.
std::string argos::StringToUpperCase | ( | const std::string & | str_string | ) |
Converts a string to upper case.
str_string | the string to convert. |
Definition at line 45 of file string_utilities.cpp.
void argos::Tokenize | ( | const std::string & | str_string, |
std::vector< std::string > & | vec_tokens, | ||
const std::string & | str_delimiters = " " |
) |
Tokenizes the given string according to the wanted delimiters (by default just a " ").
str_string | the string to tokenize. |
vec_tokens | the vector to fill with tokens. |
str_delimiters | the delimiters to use. |
Definition at line 16 of file string_utilities.cpp.
std::string argos::ToString | ( | const T & | t_value | ) |
Converts the given parameter to a std::string
Example of use:
UInt32 unToBeConverted(22); std::string strConverted = ToString(unToBeConverted);
Internally uses an std::ostringstream
. If you want to use it with a custom type, you must define its std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, type)
T | the type of the parameter to convert. |
t_value | the parameter to convert. |
. Definition at line 36 of file string_utilities.h.
CRange<CRadians> argos::APERTURE_RANGE(CCI_FootBotGripperActuator::LOCKED_NEGATIVE, CCI_FootBotGripperActuator::LOCKED_POSITIVE) |
const GLfloat argos::BODY_COLOR[] = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f } |
Definition at line 24 of file qtopengl_prototype.cpp.
size_t argos::DEBUG_INDENTATION = 0 |
Definition at line 11 of file argos_log.cpp.
const GLfloat argos::DEFAULT_EMISSION[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } |
Definition at line 18 of file qtopengl_user_functions.cpp.
const GLfloat argos::DEFAULT_SHININESS[] = { 100.0f } |
Definition at line 17 of file qtopengl_user_functions.cpp.
const GLfloat argos::DEFAULT_SPECULAR[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } |
Definition at line 16 of file qtopengl_user_functions.cpp.
const GLfloat argos::EMISSION = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } |
Definition at line 27 of file qtopengl_prototype.cpp.
CARGoSLog argos::LOG |
Definition at line 179 of file argos_log.h.
CARGoSLog argos::LOGERR |
Definition at line 180 of file argos_log.h.
const GLfloat argos::MOVABLE_COLOR = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } |
Definition at line 19 of file qtopengl_box.cpp.
const GLfloat argos::NONMOVABLE_COLOR = { 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f } |
Definition at line 20 of file qtopengl_box.cpp.
Definition at line 11 of file footbot_turret_default_actuator.cpp.
const GLfloat argos::SHININESS = { 0.0f } |
Definition at line 26 of file qtopengl_prototype.cpp.
const GLfloat argos::SPECULAR = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } |
Definition at line 25 of file qtopengl_prototype.cpp.